reported speech

Páginas: 5 (1147 palabras) Publicado: 2 de septiembre de 2014
El Estilo indirecto o Reported speech es una estructura que se emplea cuando queremos decir hacer mención sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente.
Para hacer mención sobre lo que alguien ha dicho usamos verbos como explain, promise, say, tell, suggest... Aunque los más utilizados son say y tell.
Para introducir lo que ha dicho, usamos that aunque muchas veces se puede omitir esta palabra.Al convertir una oración de "Direct Speech" a "Reported Speech" tenemos en cuenta que el verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal.

Tabla de cambios que sufre el verbo:
Direct speech

Reported speech
present simple
I am happy
I sleep

past simple
He said he was happy
He said he slept
present continuos
I am feeling happy
I am sleeping

past continuos
He said he was feelinghappy
He said he was sleeping
past simple
I was happy
I slept

past perfect
He said he had been happy
He said he had slept
present perfect
I have been happy
I have slept

past perfect
He said he had been happy
He said he had slept
present perfect continuos
I have been feeling happy
I have been sleeping

past perfect continuos
He said he had been feeling happy
He said he had beensleeping
I will be happy
I will sleep

simple conditional
He said he would be happy
He said he would sleep
future perfect
I will have been happy
I will have sleep

simple conditional perfect
He said he would have been happy
He said he would have slept
Verbos modales
Direct speech

Reported speech
I can sleep

He said he could sleep
I may sleep

MIGHTHe said he might sleep
I will sleep

He said he would sleep
I must sleep

He said he had to sleep
Cambios que pueden sufrir algunas partículas de lugar y tiempo:

at that moment, then

that night

that day
last night

the night before
this morning

that morning
this week

that week
next week

the following week
next yearthe year after


Diferencias entre los verbos TELL y SAY
Ambos se pueden traducir al español como “decir” . Son los más usados para pasar las oraciones enunciativas (que informan sobre algo) al estilo indirecto. Las diferencias entre ellos no son de significado, sino por la forma en que los utilizamos.
 TELL tiene que ir siempre seguido de un objeto indirecto, es decir, dela persona a la que se dice algo. I told Mary that...
 SAY puede usarse sin añadirle detrás el objeto indirecto : I said that...
Pero también podemos usarlo con el O.I., en cuyo caso debe añadirse TO : I
said to Mary that...
I told Mary that...= I said to Mary that..
 Para poner en estilo indirecto órdenes, solo podemos usar TELL. I told Mary to arrive
before 12 o'clock
Tanto en loscasos en que usamos TELL como SAY para pasar oraciones informativas al estilo indirecto , podemos prescindir de THAT y nunca se usa That cuando pasemos preguntas, órdenes o peticiones.
 Ann said goodbye to me and left. 7. Don't tell anyone what I said. It's a
 Tell us about your holiday. Did you 8. Did she tell you what happened? No she
have a nice time. didn't say anything to me.
3. Don'tjust stand there¡ Say something¡ 9. George couldn't help me. He told me to
4 I wonder where Sue is. She said she would ask Kate.
Jack told me that he was fed up with his job 10. George couldn't help me. He said he was
The doctor said that I should rest for at least a week short of time.

¿Cómo pasamos PREGUNTAS al estilo indirecto?
Usaremos el verbo ASK u otros como WONDER (preguntarse), oWANT TO KNOW. Hay que tener en cuenta un factor fundamental : el tipo de pregunta
 Puede tratarse de una pregunta de respuesta corta (Si/No) y donde usaremos IF o WHETHER para pasarlo al estilo indirecto.
Estilo directo : Mary asked me : “Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
Estilo indirecto : Mare asked me if I had ever eaten Chinese food.
b) Puede ser una pregunta de información, encabezada...
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