ResumEn De Digestión En Ingles

Páginas: 3 (563 palabras) Publicado: 13 de abril de 2012
the digestive system which consists of two main types of digestion the mechanical which involves the mouth (chewing food), and peristalsis (the involuntary movement of soft muscles to push foodthrough the body) the other is called chemical digestion which involves various enzymes from the very beginning in the mouth inside saliva you can find amylase which helps break down starches into sugar,then in the stomach an enzyme called pepsin you have pepsin which breaks down protein, further on the digestion continues in the small intestine where the secretions from the liver called bile tobreak down fats, the pancreas releases an alkaline substance to favor digestion and digestive enzymes, all of these secretions mix and reduce the molecules so they can be absorbed by the villi (small hairlike muscles that absorb nutrients) at this stage the chemical digestion has ended and residue substances are transported to the large intestine where remaining water is absorbed and waste productsare transported to the rectum to be expelled. All of these happen in three main stages called ingestion, digestion, and expulsion.
The second topic is called macromolecules and organic compounds. Allof the complex molecules that are considered organic have in common the presence of a carbon backbone which is able to bond in various shapes like straight chain molecules, branching molecules andring shaped molecules, monomers are repeating subunits that when linked together they serve as the building blocks for the macromolecules or polymers which are categorized in four types.
Carbohydrates-formed by carbon, hydrogen and oxygen they are the main energy source for humans thanks to the monosaccharide called glucose (a simple sugar). When these monosaccharides combine they formdisaccharides like sucrose (table sugar ) and lactose (a component of milk), longer linked monosaccharides bonded together form polysaccharides which in this case it will be glycogen which is the form of stored...
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