Resumen "The Corporation"

Páginas: 3 (539 palabras) Publicado: 9 de diciembre de 2012
The corporation

The corporation
In every single product we buy, we consume, is a big history behind since the beginning of the manufacturing, this particular documentary shows particularly thebad side of every company, because in every decision we take, as a company, and even as a consumer it take us to a cruel and unfaithful result, depending on which product you buy, in the documentarythe milk is the principal argument of the externalities which at the same time is the principal idea of the whole thing.
The result of the business perception of us, as a company, it causes conflictswith the thoughts of the people who are affected by the externalities of each business, it show how the lives of the people are hit, by stuff like the hormones in the milk and the meat that in UnitedStates produce and consume in order to reach a bigger utility in the market, “the only thing that matters is the gain” that´s the way that a company things.
Other very clear example is the chemicalwaste, because everyone knows it´s dropped in the rivers and the lakes in every country, millions of gallons of clean water contaminated with ammonia sulfide or whatever it comes up to your mind, causeI’m pretty sure in the time I say chemical waster you thought about some dangerous thing that is not cool for anyone and makes a damage to us all, but I believe that if I, or you, the people who´sreading this, can change the way to thing, the way the companies are seen by other companies or the consumers, change that almost instantaneously thought, of something bad, into something, maybe notgood, but something it could be in a different way it makes a big deference, and of course an considerable one.
Maybe it´s true, as a commercial entity we only thing about the gain of the business, weonly care about us making money, and of course if they´re going to pay me for thinking that way, I will, I don´t even have to think about it, but it´s not only about that, because, as a person I have...
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