
Páginas: 8 (1817 palabras) Publicado: 4 de noviembre de 2014
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Título: esthetic & restorative dentistry (material selection & technique)
Tipo de texto: informativo/descriptivo; manual con ilustraciones
Autores: Douglas A. Terry, dds Willi Geller, mdt. Nitzan Bichacho, dmd Alejandro James, dds, msd Markus B. Blatz, dmd, phd Mark L. Stankewitz, dds, cdt Olivier Tric, mdt Pinhas Adar, mdt, cdt John O. Burgess, dds, ms John M.Powers, phdFecha de publicacion: 2013 (segunda edicion)
Objetivo: Esta edicion de “Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry: Material Selection & Technique” fue elaborada con el fin de explicar e instruir acerca de los procedimientos dentales estéticos a través de imágenes de situaciones comunes dentro de un consultorio dental. El presente texto no pretende en ningún momento sugerir lasuperioridad de un tipo de material por encima de otro. El propósito de este texto es el de guiar al cirujano dental en la elección del mejor material para cada situación especifica.
Audiencia: DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery), DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) MDT (Master Dental Technologists)
Número de páginas: 725 paginas.
Contiene: Además del texto, diversas imágenes, fotografías y diagramas.

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Título: Procesos dentales estéticos y de restauración (selección de material y técnica)
Tipo de texto: informativo/descriptivo
Objetivo: Este texto fue elaborado para ser utilizado como material didáctico en una escuela de odontología en una universidad en México.
Audiencia: Alumnos de odontología (universidad).
Contiene: Además del texto, diversas imágenes y diagramas

Wedge-shapedEn forma de Cuna Dentin Dentina calcified tissue of the body and one of the mayor components of tooth
Enamel Esmalte one of the mayor components of tooth, normally the visible part of tooth
Pumice Piedra Pómez abrasive stoneFeldspar Feldespato mineral rock, gray crystalline material, and its chemical composition is potassium aluminum silicateKaolin Caolín white clay, natural form of clay obtained from riverbeds
Cure Curar Scraping and cleaning the walls of a real or potential space, such as a gingival pocket or bone, to remove pathologic material.
Polymerization Polimerización formation of a polymerPreoperative Preoperatorio prior to surgeryFixture Puente dental fridge, false tooth
Edentulous Desdentado with no teethWisdomtoothMuela del Juicio A wisdom tooth or third molar is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition. It is the most posterior of the threeBondingUnión/Adherir Process by which two or more components are made integral by mechanical and/or chemical adhesion at their interface
SilicatesSilicatos Quartz crystalsFiringCocción/Fundición each or cause to reach the temperature at which itbubbles and turns to vapor.
ShrinkageDisminución/Merma become or make smaller in size or amounBinderFraguanteform a whole or cause to cohere in a single mass
Tooth ColoredColorimetría common colors found in natural teeth
Tin Estaño a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50
Anterior Anterior the direction towards the front of the head or the lips, as opposed to posterior,which refers to the directions towards the back of an individual's head
Apical The direction towards the root tip(s) of a tooth, as opposed to coronal, which refers to the direction towards the crown
Axial Axial A plane parallel to the surface of a tooth
BuccalThe side of a tooth that is adjacent to (or the direction towards) the inside of the cheek, as opposed to lingual or palatal
CervicalCervical Refers to the narrowing of the contours of the tooth surface where the crown meets the root
Coronal Coronal The direction towards the crown of a tooth, as opposed to apical
Distal Distal The direction towards the last tooth in each quadrant of a dental arch, as opposed to mesial
Facial Facial The side of a tooth that is adjacent to the inside of the cheek or lips, as opposed to...
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