Teorías De La Globalización

Páginas: 13 (3237 palabras) Publicado: 25 de noviembre de 2012
Theories of Our Tragically Dependant World
It has been known and indeed it is known that our World is not the same as decades ago, and it will not be the same world in a couple of more. Our world, like everything that surrounds us evolves day by day in order to survive our needs, the population’s needs. Or at least that’s what we think. Are we changing the world? Is the world changing us? Or arewe just controlled by others to fulfill their selfish needs, making us believe that our needs and desires are all been accomplished?
Different theories have been made, and not all of them proved. Or maybe that’s just what we think. Maybe that’s just a simple idea thought to us year by year, by powerful countries, potencies that rule our markets now. Ruled because we were too uneducated andtherefore fooled. Globalization has conquered us, capitalization is involved.
Ianni gave us his interesting work of theories thought by him; theories about globalization. Theories that speak of how globalization, has taken almost all governments worldwide. He teaches us how globalization is now in every aspect thinkable, and how it affects our identity as individuals. Technology in general is takenas an accomplishment but it’s also seen as our possible destruction
Metaphors are used by several authors, referring to globalization as “first world revolution” (Alexander King), “third wave” ( Alvin Toffler), “informatics society” (Adam Schaff) among others. Metaphors are being used as descriptive and interpretative expressions to tell us the changes perceived by all. These metaphors show us anemergent reality seen or used in social sciences, therefore by humans.
Metaphors are always in the scientific thought, trying always to find the occult among the real. A metaphor defies and nourishes another, which gives new meanings to others. This way global society acquires new meanings. From metaphor to metaphor fantasy is reached, wrapping people up to produce utopia and sometimes nostalgia.Generally speaking utopia and nostalgia appear most frequently when social transformations are made, economics involved. Letting people to have something to fight for, creating societies with a common purpose.
Modern history can be seen as a history with colonial systems, imperialists systems, geo-economics and geopolitics. It is a scenario of the formation and expansion of the markets,industrialization, urbanization and westernization that wrap nations and nationalities, cultures and civilizations.
Changes are not simply done they require resources, they require power. That’s the reason why countries like United States of America, France, Germany, China and England have done huge changes in mercantilism, colonialism, imperialism, in the economic block in geo-economics ad geopoliticsin terms of world-economies. They re-write, if we can say so, the way capitalism is seen and taken care of. “…Una economía-mundo está constituida por una red de procesos productivos intervinculados, que podemos denominar ‘cadenas de mercancías’, de tal forma, que para cualquier proceso de producción en la cadena, hay cierto número de vínculos hacia adelante y hacia atrás, de los cuales dependen elproceso en cuestión y las personas en el involucradas…” (Wallerstein, 1988)
The structure of the capitalist world-economies is a system of dependant states, system in which the political structure denominated as “sovereign states” are legitimized and bounded. Far from independent states with sovereignty, they are more likely to be considered as to have a more formal autonomy.
Capitalism seemsto create and later re-create the Nation-State by deciding the ways of production and the process of civilization, sovereignty is seen to characterize it, to be essential for a state to live. But paying attention of how thing are being handled we can see that corporations have more power that states, governments and politic leaders; “… The State-nation appears all the time as an agent, reality,...
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