Terapia en juego

Páginas: 4 (814 palabras) Publicado: 4 de abril de 2011
“Play therapy: the therapy of the future?”

“You can discover more things playing one hour than talking for a year” Platon.

Play therapy is a way of helping kids to get out their problemsusing games, maybe is quite recent the reparence of it in the society, but, did you now that this therapy exist since long time ago?

Ana Freud daughter of Symon Freud start using these herapy in1928, but as a way to capture the kids atention to the real therapy, when she realize that was more simple help kids by playing and not by talking is when the real play therapy begins.
With the dicoversmade by Ana Freud, in 1938 Solomon, a psicologist, uses this therapy but as a way of helping kids with impulsing characters and also to help them to Express feelings like warth and fear, he givesespecial atención on how the past acts afect the kids future life.

Analists like Hambrige realize that if you recreate a success that is traumataizing for a kid in a game it much eaiser to help himget trought it.
This kind f therapy is humanist is focus on the kind, ando on what he wants to share during it.

But now, what is play therapy?
The kids play as a way of comnication and the playtherapy tries to understand the mecanisims of the games and thats how they used hem to help the child with problems.

Usually play therapy is needed when: the family situation changes ( adoption,divorce, new family members,etc), deaths, sexual abusse, psicological and fisical mistreat, fisical illnes, bad eating habits, stress, among others.

The principal objetive in these kind of therapy isto recongnize the feelings that the kid express, and change them back so they can modify his conduct. The therapist need to be pacient and have respect to the kid, but also he will stablishboundaries that help him take responsability of his actions, in the first sesions there`s no and estructure in the game, is just for the therapist to watch and understand the kid.

For these kind of...
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