The Commonwealth

Páginas: 10 (2357 palabras) Publicado: 18 de junio de 2012

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… page 3

The British Empire part1: since 1642 to 1776……………………………………………... page 4

The British Empire and its first colony in America………………………………………… page 6

The British Empire part 2: The industrial revolution and the imperialism…………………. page 10

Cultural contribution from and for the colonies

The commonwealth idea

Heads ofcommonwealth

Common wealth today

Elements of the common wealth

The members of common wealth



What is the common wealth?

ommonwealth's name originally designated to a period of the English history, which corresponds to the first parliamentary revolution of England, the adoption of a republican form of government (1649-60). But theBritish Commonwealth of Nations is as the free association of countries recognized in defence of his interests integrates the United Kingdom and many of his former colonies and domains today independent.

The United Kingdom could have taken part responsibly together with other nations in the promotion of the development and the stability of the Third world. The United Kingdom takes partactively in all the actions of the Commonwealth and considers it to be a way to consult and to cooperate with persons from diverse cultures, reaching, with it, to the promotion of the understanding and peace between the nations.

Fifty four countries members of this organization work to fulfil international objectives. Almost all of them were, at some time, British territories. Distributed by all thecontinents and oceans, approximately 1.800 millions of persons who shape the Commonwealth represent 30% of the world population.

Commonwealth facilitates the respect for the democracy, the human rights and the socioeconomic sustainable development not only in the countries members, but also beyond his borders.

The British Empire part 1: Since 1642 - 1776

o know thereasons of the creation of the commonwealth we must know the historical events that provoked the creation of this organization like it was the territories conquest.

The Beginning of the British Empire:
Thanks to Cristobal Colon, Bartolome Diaz and to all the sailors and conquerors who risked finding new routes of trade and finally they managed discovered lands not known for the European world.Countries as Portugal and Spain were fighting for these new territories it is like that as the Pope
Alejandro 6th divided America. Portugal still with something of territory in South America and Africa, Spain still with majority territory of America, but it could not occupy everything and it is there where the English men appear.

At the beginning of the 17th century the English Crown, underthe mandate of Jacob I, didn’t have in mind any definite project of settling. This led her to signing in a year 1604 the Agreement of London, in which was demonstrating the idea of visiting the territories not dealt with America this way to colonize them.

As the Spanish, the objective of the English was founding permanent colonies where they could live, have lands and to create families; but todifference, these territories were not possessing a great native population who should be used as workforce. For this, the English should have transplanted entire communities with a complete workforce of Europeans.

In the 17th century England began his expansion, with the maritime commercial expansion. During this period the English had possession of three principal territories: North America,the Antilles and the India.

These territories provided five types of colonies:

• Ports of scale, which were assuring its mastery of the routes marine and conquered mostly to Spanish, French and Dutches (Malta, Corfu and Ionian Islands in the Mediterranean; Gibraltar, Cape of Good Hope, Isla Mauricio, Aden and Ceylán in the route towards the India; Singapore and Hong Kong in...
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