The Crisis Of Sea

Páginas: 5 (1182 palabras) Publicado: 26 de diciembre de 2012

An interview to mussel farmers and steel workers about the effects of industrial pollution in Taranto

Demetrio Romeo

English Language

Submitted to: Prof.ssa Carmen Argondizzo

My research proposal needs toinvestigate the effects of pollution on sea economics in Taranto. The aim of project consists of make an interview to some associations that deal to inform on labour condition of mussel farmers, who suffer a several crisis due to effects of steel industrialization.
The rationale of the research is to demonstrate that Italian workers need a new development model for to live, getting a production structurethat to increase the values of natural resources, as the sea.

A sustaibable future for Taranto
In a city where we talk almost exclusively of Ilva, judges and politicians, now it’s interesting to meet the members of "Le Sciaje", an local association that fight for to build an alternative development for Taranto and discover the historical roots of his economy.

Q: What is the aim of “LeSciaje”?
A: In Taranto is half a century that the Ilva emergency can not be ignored. But since three thousand years the people who stay in the “city of the two seas” doesn’t live without consuming their mussels. But over the past twenty-four months went like this: the most precious mussels have become too poisonous to be consumed.
Luckily, some people thinks that Taranto needs to reverse his wayfor to get a better city model. So, this is the aim of “Le Sciaje”.
Q: Can the past of the city be important for to change?
A: Of course. In the past, citizens have turned their backs to the sea because of the economic choices, but they could look their coast and discover the wealth of its identity. It is our contribution to resolve the dilemma of the present.
Q: Taranto, in recent daysdescribed by the papers because of the enterprise conflict with the workers, can preserve the labour rights without to give up the health right of citizens?
A: It’s a diabolical choice for the present and the future of the city. This model is opposing to historical way of life. The solution starts from the past.
Taranto is a seaside and fishing city, that in 150 years sacrificed their natural vocationto build the Arsenal and the biggest steel mill in Europe. These days, because of the emergency issue of Ilva, are expected only to rapid corrective action. But the fate of a people would can find in its roots.
Q: The mussels, why not?
A: Exactly. Or so it was until 2010. Last month were burned three tonnes of mussels that came from the Mar Piccolo. The reason is the interdiction for thecultivation of mollusks that have two years for mussels originating from that area of the sea.
Q: Why?
A: In mussels there are traces of dioxins and heavy metals.
Q: It’s terrible. So, from where comes the pollution?
A: There is a pump that draws water from the Mar Piccolo for to cold the industrial plant of Ilva, which alters the sea temperature. And so, there are the works of the Arsenale, wherethe electricity transformers of the ships act. To the end, one of the latest reports, the Ispra (Institute for the protection and environmental research) even recommends the transfer of colture of mussels from the Mar Piccolo to the Mar Grande, because the situation has become unmanageable.
Q: This situation has deleted the ancien structure of economy. What is the reaccion of the families?
A:It’s a good question. For generations in our city has been passed down the art of the sea: when industrialization this exchange has increased. Today the same fisherman prefers that his son works at the Ilva for certain revenue. But luckly yet there are the elders to give us courage to continue.
Q: For the new generations, what are you planning?
A: We are working to design and implement a marine...
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