The First Crusade

Páginas: 3 (533 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2012
The First Crusade(1096–1099) was a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant(632–661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099. It was launched on 27 November 1095 by Pope Urban II with the primary goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine EmperorAlexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia. An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christianreconquest of the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule.
During the crusade, knights and peasants from many nations ofWestern Europe travelled over land and by sea, first to Constantinople and then on towards Jerusalem, as crusaders; the peasants greatly outnumbered the knights. Peasants and knights were split intoseparate armies; however, because the peasants were not as well-trained in combat as the knights, their army failed to reach Jerusalem. The knights arrived at Jerusalem, launched an assault on the city, andcaptured it in July 1099, massacring many of the city's Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. They also established the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principalityof Antioch, and the County of Edessa
Hola yuri besos a los niños espero esten bien perdon por no haberte contestado rapido tu carta por el facepero he andado muy ocupada en bueltas con el contador del oxxo y en citas de haciendo para lo d mi registro patronal. Ojala hubieramos platicado ahora que fui a hermosillo; te estubimos hablando al telde paco del tel de luis y nunca contesto para que el te avisara que estabamos alli en hillo porque yo m tenia que regresar el mismo dia por mis otras vueltas. Lei todo detenidamente, ami tambien me...
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