The future

Páginas: 2 (281 palabras) Publicado: 26 de mayo de 2011
Choose a topic from the list. You must talk about the topic for thirty seconds without stopping. Before you speak spendsome time preparing what you are going to say.

In future, scientists may find cures for many diseases such as SIDA and various cancers.
Medicine hasachieved many advances as vaccines for diseases such as Sarapion, chickenpox, hepatitis by others...
Scientists may invent artificial organs to be used invery ill.
My new life:
I live on a beautiful island near nature.
Awake at 8 am and a delicious breakfast of fruit and juices; take a shower with hotwater.
I prepare to go to the travel agent to plan my trips this month to Arequipa.
I´m going to Arequipa with my family, we are going to make a touristtrip for the “Colca valley”, we are going to eat Rocoto Relleno, trucha and Iberica chocolates.
Then I go shopping with my friends; eat at a Chineserestaurant and afternoon going to the movies.
We all my house to swim in the large pool, play poker and sing karaoke.
Then ask for a pizza and see a horrormovie ...
Thus ended a day of my new life.
My boyfriend was fired from a job last month. He has had lots of different jobs in the year.
Hefinish your studies of system engineer, he was the best student of your class.
Now is unemployed.
Your last job was in a factory with bad-paid.
he wantedto find job. He applied for many differents jobs in differents cities but he has not found ideal job.
It is very difficult to get another job, well- paid
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