The thick motor function

Páginas: 8 (1881 palabras) Publicado: 20 de diciembre de 2010

Factors that take incidence in the child's thick motor faculties of the "Paradise kindergartners of the children's" of the Sancan Community in the Jipijapa


Along the History, human being has looking for satisfy his basic needing and wants for develop himself into his environment.
So in this searching we have watched the importance that the thick motorfaculties has for obtaining a good performance of motor function's in Childs. We also have recognized the last of it in the Childs and it is one of the principal problems in the development of the thick motor faculties. Now days in a very dynamic and sophisticated world it has too much interest in all the scholar levels the responsibility of the teachers in the development of the physical qualities andmotor activities in the different processes of teaching learning, motivating the creativity and awakening new interests.
We sincerely wish that these themes be helping other people for oui satisfaction and by the importance that have inside pre-scholar education and in general


Last of the thick motor functions of Childs in the paradise kindergartner of theSancan community in Jipijapa Canton.


In the developed countries Childs that attend to educative centers, they get a constantly motor development, while in our country we have development area. Because of the study of the motor development in the coordinated formation of the moving it has a great interest due to we have to take care all of the muscles
A gooddevelopment of the thick motor faculties permit to the Childs explore in a complete way, giving facilities to the concrete experiences on which they will construct the basic notions for the intellectual and motor development. This is a clear aspect for social integration, the security acquiring and the motor functions thick develop mint.
We know that Childs make good jobs in the moving skills(dexterity) through the games so with these moving they leam to use the muscles coordinated and they acquired their body domination, discovering how the world and how they are.
In the past we talked about the motor development, we only mentioned the variations in the development and the working better of human motor conducts, today it is maintained firmly due to experimental studies in which wemanipulate different variables of skills, that when we perfomate the games activities in Childs we ear perfomate their motor dexterity, not only in the motor development so in the rhythm, aesthetic, and physical education.
In our country the Childs teacher are capable to collaborate, helping, and dedicate to stimulate the motor development of Childs. In this way it is necessary to talk about thefactors that take incidence and affect the clear objectives of getting with efficiency the development of the thick motor functions of Childs in our country here in Ecuador Childs are from different social and different geographic origins, so their customs are different.
Due to influences of educative, social and environmental factors as the educative programs, the adult relationship and we otherChilds, their life running, customs and climate, all of these factors make changing the thick motor functions of Childs.
The logos foundation in Ecuador, tell that the teacher is the person that must to know the techniques of concrete motor skills, the Methodological resources, the Psychological and emotional characteristics of Childs for the development and good performance of the corporal scheme.Finally the motor development is characterized for a better agility and ability of Childs so as being faster and strong in their moving
As studies in Jipijapa say that the thick motor function in schools is developed through the games, not using activities of their own age that make strong a good physical development.
We permit focus the importance that has the motor development of Childs in...
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