
Páginas: 11 (2505 palabras) Publicado: 28 de abril de 2012


Lea y analice el siguiente texto teniendo en cuenta lo aprendido en la guía del primer trimestre.

Oración, Traducción, Sujeto, Núcleo del sujeto, Clase de sujeto, Predicado, Núcleo del predicado, Clase de predicado. Categorías Gramaticales; Artículos, Sustantivos, Adjetivos, Pronombres,Adverbios, Preposiciones, Conjunciones, Verbos, Conectores.

“When you get up in the morning, you probably don’t think much about all the dangers you face even before you leave the house. When people think of getting hurt, the first thing that comes to mind is a car or plane accident. The truth is, however, that millions of people suffer serious injuries, and even death, in their own homes. Fallson stairs account for 30% of all accidental deaths at home. And be careful as you plug in the toaster: many people die from electrocution due to bad electrical wiring. In fact, you should think twice before biting into that piece of toast, because statistics indicate that thousands of people die each year as a result of choking on food. With all these hidden dangers, you might think that it wouldbe safer just to stay in bed. Well, think again. A surprising number of people are injured while in, or around a bed. And that is precisely where most people die”.

1. The underlined expression due to can be replaced by

A. in addition.
B. because of.
C. besides that.
D. in contrast.

2. The underlined sentence you should think twice before biting into that piece of toast suggests thatA. you shouldn’t eat toast for breakfast.
B. you will get hurt if you eat toast at home.
C. you need to be careful while you are eating.
D. you mustn’t worry about what you have for breakfast.

3. According to the text,

A. most of the accidental deaths at home are related to falling down stairs, choking on food and making the bed.
B. many people are not worried about the dangers theyface when they are outside the house traveling by car or plane.
C. people have to be aware of the dangers around them not only when they are out but even at home.
D. in order to avoid accidents, people have to leave home and not travel by car or by plane.

4. ¿Cuántas oraciones posee el párrafo anterior?

A. 9
B. 8
C. 10

5. Observe la siguiente oración; “Well, think again”. ¿Qué clase desujeto posee?

A. Compuesto
B. Simple
C. Simple-compuesto

6. ¿Qué clase de predicado posee?

A. Compuesto-simple
B. Simple
C. Compuesto

7. Observe la siguiente oración; “When you get up in the morning, you probably don’t think much about all the dangers you face even before you leave the house”. ¿Cuántos verbos conjugados posee la oración anterior?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 3

8. ¿Cuálesson los conectores de la anterior oración?

A. when/ ,/ before
B. ,/ before
C. when/ ,/ you / before

9. Los verbos conjugados de la oración son:

A. get up, probably don’t, leave
B. get up, don´t think, face, leave
C. when, get up, don´t think, leave

10. morning, dangers, house; pertenecen a la categoría grammatical de:

A. Adjetivos
B. Nombres
C. Pronombres



Lea el siguiente texto, indique de él los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombre personales en negrilla subrayados numerados del 1 al 17 y los antecedentes respectivos.


Dr. White is a chemist. His1 job is very interesting. He2 uses a scale to weigh some cooper sulfate crystals. Beside him3,there is a small machine used to make the crystals. Copper, sulphur, and oxygen. It4 is a compound.

Dr. White has a sister and a brother. They5 have a profession too. His6 sister, Mary, is a biologist, and his7 brother Michael, is a physicist. She8 wants to count the number of red blood cells in a sample. She9 uses her10 microscope to examine it11. A microscope is an instrument which magnifies...
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