
Páginas: 5 (1196 palabras) Publicado: 2 de junio de 2012
The history of the flag of Hawaii

The story of how he conceived the Hawaiian flag is very interesting. Although historians can not agree on the exact details, we know that Kamehameha the Great (Kamehameha I) was responsible for its conception.

We can better understand the meanings behind the Hawaiian flag learn a little about the King who oversaw its creation. Kamehameha I ruledsuccessfully, creating a single sovereign nation and securing recognition from the major world powers. Before the King Kamehameha I rule, the individual islands were ruled by various chiefs. King Kamehameha I was a skilled warrior with the idea to conquer and unite the eight major Hawaiian Islands.

The King was a determined ruler, dedicated to protecting the welfare and sovereignty of its people. Theforeigners are not allowed to intervene in the politics of the islands, but played very well the role of ambassador and strove to build peaceful and harmonious partnership. His ability to be a symbol of goodwill helped the Hawaiian Islands to become a major center for industry - during his reign, the fur trade, sandalwood, coffee exports and pineapple (pineapple) was undoubtedly a good start.

Relationswith Britain - and the position of that nation as a protectorate - were very important to King Kamehameha I. In 1793, a portion of the island was ceded to Britain in communication with Captain Vancouver, a deal that was never really implemented by the British. Some say that today the Hawaiian flag was created taking into account the Union Flag (Union Jack) and the American flag. The Hawaiian flagis seen as a cross between the U.S. flag and the British flag. When the flag of the new Kingdom of Hawaii was filed, the United Kingdom, France, the U.S. and Japan gave its official recognition of the icon.


The modern Hawaiian cuisine is a fusion of many cuisines brought to the archipelago of Hawaii by immigrants of various ethnic groups, particularly of U.S. origin, Chinese,Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Polynesian and Portuguese, including plant and animal ingredients imported from around the world. Many local restaurants serve the ubiquitous pā mea ai, which includes the East Asian staple, two scoops of rice, a simplified version of American macaroni salad (consisting of macaroni and mayonnaise) and various accessories, such as the piece of meat hamburger, fried eggand gravy of crazy mucus, Japanese style tonkatsu or traditional Lu'au favorite, kalua pork.

Vegetables, fruit and nuts

Bread fruit tree.

• Taro (Colocasia esculenta): A popular and ancient plant has been cultivated for at least 30,000 years by indigenous New Guinea.32 There are hundreds of varieties of taro corm variety being the wetland for the best poi, 2 and for starch and flour.The variety of dry soil has a crunchy texture and is used to make taro chips. The smaller Japanese variety is used to estofados.
• Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis).
Candle nut (Aleurites moluccana) or Kukui: Roasted Their bones are traditionally used as candles. Is the main ingredient of ancient Hawaiian inamona seasoning.
• Coconut (Cocos nucifera).
Haiti arrowroot (Taccaleontopetaloides) or pia: Used primarily as a thickener. The cooked arrowroot mixed with papaya, banana or pumpkin desserts. The haupia, a coconut cream pudding Hawaiian pia used as a thickener.
• Ti (Cordyline fruticosa) or ki: After the distillation came to Hawaii, the root of you was transformed into a liquor called okolehao.
• Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus).
• Jicama(Pachyrhizus erosus).


Hormel Spam canned meat product has been very popular in Hawaii for decades. The Hawaiians are the second consumer of spam in the world after Hawaii Guam.33 Led originally by the U.S. military, 34 spam became an important source of protein for the Indians after the ban on fishing around the islands during Mundial.3 War Hawaiians in 2005 consumed more than 5 million...
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