Ubwobdh b

Páginas: 21 (5179 palabras) Publicado: 12 de mayo de 2011
Becas de estudio.

PROGRAMA IDIOMAS Y JUVENTUD La presente orden tiene por objeto la convocatoria de estancias formativas en el extranjero para el alumnado de Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Formación Profesional Inicial, e Intercambios Escolares con centros docentes de otros países, para la práctica de los idiomas inglés, francés o alemán, para el alumnado de 3.º y4.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, de Bachillerato o de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Formación a) 3.000 plazas para estancias formativas en el extranjero para alumnos y alumnas de Bachillerato y Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Formación Profesional Inicial, distribuidas por idiomas de la siguiente forma: 2.550 para cursos en lengua inglesa, 400 para cursos en lengua francesa y 50para cursos en lengua alemana para el año 2011. b) Hasta 3.750 plazas, correspondientes a 125 intercambios, para grupos de alumnos y alumnas de 3.º y 4.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. c) Hasta 2.250 plazas, correspondientes a 75 intercambios, para grupos de alumnos y alumnas de Bachillerato o Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Formación Profesional Inicial. c) Se ofertan hasta 60 plazas deprofesorado acompañante del alumnado que realice las estancias formativas en el extranjero, Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Del 11 de enero al 2 de febrero, ambos inclusive.

Trabajo realizado por el alumno de 1º de bachillerato:

Antonio José Castro Guirado 1

Becas de estudio
De Nueva Jersey a España Raquel Satti, es una joven de 20 años procedente de Nueva Jersey. Llegó a Españacon mucha ilusión y entusiasmo, demostrando en todo momento, desde su llegada en Noviembre, su afán por perfeccionar nuestro idioma. Se trata de una más entre la gran cantidad de estudiantes que han tenido la oportunidad de viajar al extranjero por medio de becas, pudiendo ampliar así sus experiencias y conocimientos sobre el país. Afortunadamente hemos tenido la ocasión de conocerla y realizarleuna entrevista sobre su estancia en España: - What brought you to study in Spain? - I wanted to study in Spain because I have some friends that did the same in the past. I knew a spanish family and they have helped me tremendously. - How did you feel the last days before your travel? - I was very nervous completing the final preparations. Moreover, the last week was very emotional as I said goodbyeto my family which I am very close to and I separated from them few times. - What is the thing that most surprised you when you came to Spain? - The most surprising thing when I came to Spain is the lifestyle; many spaniards eat a big lunch in the afternoon and eat dinner very late at night. More people spend time in the streets here in Spain than those in the USA. - Do you have problems with thetimetable and the new habits in this country? - At first I had problems with the timetable, but with the time I've used to it, even I like that... - Have you met someone of your age? What do you think about this? - Yes, I have met many people of my age with whom I had fun speaking Spanish and they speaking English. From here, I get good friends that I keep talking once I return to USA throughsocial networks. - If you hadn't had this opportunity, would you have travelled by yourself? - If I hadn't had this opportunity I hadn't come as soon, because it required many expenses for my parents to pay the travel, but I would have helped by providing some money working during the summer, but I think that I would come after I graduate... - Will you return to Spain in the future? - Of course! Iwill come in the future. I have a lot to see and many places to visit. - Spain is the same as you had described earlier? - Yes, the truth is that it's very similar. The people is very friendly, there is good food... in Spain I feel like in my own house.


- What is the difference between spanish and the american character? - Spaniards stay out later, many stores are closed on sunday,...
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