
Páginas: 5 (1085 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2010
Interior Wor(l)ds
Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale
Flor Maria Ocegueda Lopez

I attended a series of conferences related to the limits between internal and external spaces, which go much beyond physical boundaries, easily perceived from human senses; these conferences were about ethereal limits coexisting inside cities and involving all theactors of spaces under investigation.
The four lecturers discussed the spaces in which we develop our daily activities through different approaches, and places that nowadays, differently from previous ages, can be considered as less material concepts, more or less bound to a physic existence.
The requirements of each space have changed. Offices, houses and schools... evolved through technologyand most of all because of the changes in the way of living and of thinking of people that, parallely, is strictly related to the development of technology.
Currently spaces aren't completely satisfying every aspect of their usage, consequently they are constantly under development due to the transformation of people, becoming from simple users, to actors and participants of the space.
Once thespect-actor has conquered the space, they launch a new challenge to designers, since they must not only design spaces that evolve with the way of their lifes, but also they have to adapt spaces that had been made (under different ways of use anf thinking) in order to adapt them to the new methodologies of life. So now we find factories converted into houses, houses converted into offices,churches converted into bars, bars converted into museums and many other combinations that probably could have seemed absurd or incoherent and nowadays seem to be endless.
In the same endless search of solutions for spaces perfectly incomplete or incompletely complete the designers are looking for a maximum expression giving ephemeral answers by means of shadows, sounds, odors, etc. that have been usedin the oriental cultures but among all in the nature where animals define their spaces by using this elements.
Finally we can conclude that new spaces not only face the challenges of a constantly changing technology but they also seek to take up again in their most basic form the natural elements that make of them the makers of the space.

El pasado 6 de octubre asisti a una serie deconferencias relacionadas con los limites en espacios internos y externos mas alla de aquellos limites fisicos, facilmente percebibles , hablaban de limites efimeros que coexisten dentro de las ciudades y que hacen participes a los usuarios de los espacios.
Los cuatro conferencistas hablaron en diferentes formas sobre los espacios en los cuales desarrollamos nuestras actividades dia a dia y que adiferencia con otras epocas ahora el espacio se puede ver de una manera mas eterea al existir o no existir fisicamente.
Las necesidades de cada espacio han cambiado. Las oficinas, las casas, las escuelas, etc. han evolucionado por medio de la tecnologia y sobre todo por la forma de vivir y el cambio en la forma de pensar de las personas que igualmente se encuentra relacionada con la tecnologia.Actualmente los espacios nunca estan satisfechos del todo y se encuentran en constant cambio debido a las personas que han dejado de ser usuarios para convertirse en actors y hacedores del espacio.
Una vez que los spect-actor han conquistado los espacios lanzan un reto Nuevo a los disenadores, ya que no solo deben proyectar espacios que evolucionen con la forma de vida de ellos si no que ademas debenadaptar los espacios que ya han sido hechos (bajo una diferente forma de uso y pensamiento) para adaptarlos a las nuevas metodologias de vida. Entonces ahora encontramos fabricas convertidas en casas, casas convertidas en oficinas, Iglesias convertidas en bares, bares convertidos en museos y muchas combinaciones que antes probablemente podrian haber parecido absurdas o incoherentes y que ahora...
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