Victimas Violencia

Páginas: 2 (346 palabras) Publicado: 29 de abril de 2012
Ana Fabricia Cordoba
In Colombia there are a lot of people that protect the human rights. Some of them are anonymous leaders that work in benefit of different kinds of communities like children,tribe, women and others vulnerable groups of people.
Ana Fabricia was one of this people who were touched by all types of violence in this country. However, she worked in groups such as “LideresAdelante por un Tejido Humano de Paz (Latepaz)” and “Ruta pacifica de las Mujeres”.
Ana died when she was 52 years old, in June 7th of 2011. She received some shots until she was traveling on abus. From her childhood she met the violence when her parents couldn't stand the war between Liberales and Conservadores. They moved from Tibu Santander to Urabá; Her family had a lot of farms inUraba, but the Guerrilla and Paramilitares arrived there few years after that Ana´s family. In this city, one of her´s brothers was part of the left government movement, called UP. She said that inthis moment started all problems for her family and herself. On the 90s, the Paramilitares killed her husband and she was widowed with five children. They threatened to kill her, so she moved toMedellin.; There she lived in different neighborhoods, one of those was la Cruz.
Fabricia married again and she worked by her neighborhood, but Ana received a new threatened to kill her and hernew husband was killed. Ana was accused of baked the Guerrilla, however she was encountered innocent.
Ana recovered her liberty and she worked for her sons, neighborhood and vulnerable groups,but again the violence took the life of her two sons. She was tired of moving by the conflict, in this way when she received new threatened, she didn’t move. However, Ana said to the police “Somepeople want to kill me”, but she didn´t receive any help and Ana was killed.
Her interment was one of the most popular in Medellin and Ana was remembered how “who fight the violence with working”.
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