L Tanga

Páginas: 5 (1042 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012
Cordero 1
English 3011
October, 24,2012

Two Mommies Is One Two Many

Roles, roles and more roles. Parents have their own way to educate their Childe, but it does not means that is the only way. Masculne and femenine can do the the work that should do their oposite witt out having any problem. For that reason a man can teach his son just like the mommy and the mother can teach his son justlike the father. Why people make diference between mother and father?. They are the same and had the capacity toteach witt out depending in any person.

Roles, roles y mas roles. Padres y madres tienen siempre su manera de educar a sus ninos, pero no significa que sea la unica manera. Tabto el masculino como la femenina pueden hacer el trabajo que haria su opuesto sin tenr problemas. Por talrazon un hombre puede educar a su hijo igual que su madre y una mujer pu8ede educar a su hijo de la misma manera que su padre. Porque diferencian tanto al padre de la madre? Ambos son lo mismo, y tienen la capacidad para ensenar sin depender de nadie.

Lets start with the idea that they are humans with feelings, and the only that differences them is physic aspects. According to the autors, theydescribes what should teach each genre cientifically. For this reason, it had an example of machism, they call the man like a duty, strong teacher. The mother like the pasive and soft (para. 4). A child does not need the figure of both, just need a good Earning, good educación and so mom or dad can do this. Actual society has oblígate to be independiente, to learn everything; ando so it does notmatter if the child do not had one of them, having just one is suficiente. There is a high percent on divorcies, deaths and all of this that brake familias and obligate women to be alone (para. 5). Woman that hd been cheated by man and are alone, give excelente teach to their childs. Kids with no father or mother in future are professionals and they are the same as the people who lived with bothparents. And so, why the difference?

Empezemos con ladea de que aqmbos son humanos de carne y hueso. Son ambos seres vivos con sentimiento y lo unico que los diferencia son aspectos fisicos.
De acuerdo a lo que dice el autor se describe lo que cientificamente debe ensenar cada genero. Por esta razon, se encuentra un ejemplo de machismo, pintan al hombre como al que enseña lo duro y lo fuerte. Lamadre como la pasiva y la suave (para.4). Un nino no necesita la figura de ambos, lo unico que necesita es buena ensenanza, buena educación; y tanto el padre como la madre pueden lograr eso. La sociedad actual se hha visto obligada a ser independiente y tener que aprender todo y no importa si el nino no tiene uno de ellos; si tiene a cualquiera es suficiente. Hoy dia se enfrenta una situaciónalta en el divorcio, muertes, todas estas cosas que rompen familias y obligan a un mujer a quedarse sola (para. 5). Mujeres que han sido enganadas vemos como simplemente le dan buena ensenanza a su hijo sin importar que. Ninos sin padre, ninos sin madre terminan siendo grandes profesionales y son igual de humanos que los que tuvieron mama y papa. Entonces, porqiue tanta division?

I am a Yong man,that lives without father. My mother is both parents for me, and she helps my brothers and me to go Howard. When parents are in the need of taking care of Childe without counting with his couple, they does it better. They strive more, and just do not think in sexism, in what I they to do according to their sex, no; they teach how to live life withou depending in people. Independent of women, ofmen and we learn how to be completely humans. No man, no woman, just humans with values, feelings; something we have in common. “The right to education has no gender, different but equal”, that is the right way to see life. It does not matter the genre, it does matter the heart and how the person wants to use it to teach.

Yo soy un joven que vivo sin mi padre. Y mi madre ha tenido que...
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