Como Saltar Mas Alto

Páginas: 30 (7377 palabras) Publicado: 27 de abril de 2012

most athletic movements require a time factor
much smaller than the time it takes to
maximally contract a muscle. This is where
plyometrics come in!
Plyometric training
provides the environment for eccentric
contraction which has been proven to build
muscle and power faster than any other
contraction. Nutrition is the glue that holds it all
Your body is a hormonalrollercoaster. No, this is not the ‘sex talk’, I’m
talking about the hormones responsible for the
muscle growth and body chemistry needed by
every athlete. Without proper nutrition, you will
not achieve maximal strength gains and the risk
of injury is greatly increased especially during
plyometric training.
Before we go directly into Athletic
Advantage The Complete Vertical Jump
Program, wewill quickly visit other programs
and see why this program has so much more to
offer than most programs out there. Also we
will work through a detailed description of what
happens behind the scenes when you jump
followed by a technical look at muscle variety
and how it affects your vertical jumping

So you want to jump higher –
congratulations! Looking to dunk overthe
competition, blow by the defenders and own the
air above the rim? You are well on your way by
taking the most important first steps already
taken by thousands of athletes to improve their
athletic performance.
As you have most
certainly already noticed, your ability to jump is
central to your success in your athletic career.
Athletic Advantage The Complete Vertical
Jump Program willprovide you with all the tools
you will need to dramatically increase your leg
strength, speed and vertical leap over the
coming weeks. You can expect this program to
enhance your athleticism in the following

Increase your vertical 8” to 14”
Increase your first step quickness
Increase muscular endurance
Increase muscle fiber recruitment
Decrease your 40yddash time by
0.2 to 0.4s.

Athletic Advantage The Complete Vertical
Jump Program is a very powerful tool with all
the resources you will need except one.
Commitment. Even the best program will do
you no good if you don’t stick with it. Imagine if
Michael Jordan decided to just quit when his
high school basketball coach cut him from the
team. Because he was committed he pulled
through andbecame one of the biggest
legends of the NBA. In order for you to obtain
all the gains this program has to offer you must
be committed to following each part of this
program to the letter.
No one part of this program is more
important than any other. Each part has a
special aspect to offer that none of the others
do. This program incorporates power weight
training, dynamic weight training,plyometric
training, nutrition and positive mentality.
Without power weight training you will not have
the strength base for any of the other stages of
this program.
Dynamic weight training
incorporates speed with strength to break the
power plateau reached in power weight
training. Some very strong athletes do not
possess the power to dunk a basketball or
sprint a fast 40 yard dash.This is because

KEY IDEAS: Most programs fall short of
their promises for one of the following
reasons: They over train causing injury.
They lack variety to properly change up
training to avoid workout adaptation. They
do not allow proper rest periods leading to injury. This
program incorporates 5 main parts including power weight
training, dynamic weight training,plyometric training,
nutrition and positive mentality.

Why this program? You may be asking
what makes this program different from every
other program out there.
To answer this
question, let’s first start by taking a look at what
other programs have to offer and why they
cannot necessarily be as good as promised.
Most programs out there offer a single phase
program with only one means to...
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