Cultural diversity

Páginas: 5 (1034 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2011
Cultural Diversity
In the world are more pronounced differences than similarities between human groups, each group has its own particularity, making it difficult or simply impossible to compare one culture to another in order to establish values between them, much less translate the values from one culture to another. As Apphia states: “If we are to encourage cosmopolitan engagement, moralconversation between people across societies, we must expect such disagreements: after all, they occur within societies” (380). We live in a global society in which we are all interconnected, but with moral conflicts.
In Western societies monogamy families are valued. But apparently, would be a tremendous act of chauvinism to assume that all societies value monogamy. In fact, monogamy seems to be theexception rather than the rule. From Morocco to Indonesia, polygamy is allowed: a man can marry more than one woman. Even among the same societies that allow polygamy, there is no moral agreement. Monogamy is just a sample of the immense moral diversity in humans. “Once you understand the system, you will be likely to agree: and it won’t be because you’ve given up any of your basic moralcommitments.” (Apphia p. 382).
All societies have some form of censorship or prohibition against murder, theft, rape, insult and lie. They appreciate all the cooperation, friendship, care of children, etc. But the content of these structures certainly varies. Westerners may be shocking that in China, girls were subjected to painful procedures to belittle her little feet to adjust the shoes. Butobviously, the painful procedures are not challenged in China. And since there is no agreement on what is good, it is arbitrary selection moral criteria to judge other people. In the modern Western, care of children involves education to promote the cultivation of their critical faculties. In the Islamic, education is more inclined toward a religious education. But after the disagreement over howeducation should be, Islamic societies and Western societies have an agreement on the need to educate children. We can certainly admit that what was considered good in a society is not necessarily the same thing in another society.
Another sample of differences between human groups can be seen in soccer. “Other countries have greeted soccer with relative indifference. The Indian subcontinent and Austriacome to mind. But the United States is perhaps the only place where a loud portion of the population actively disdains the game, even campaigns against it.” (Foer p. 411). I believe that soccer as game and as a sport is an important source for the education of children and youth. Through their practice both in training and in competition, in addition to specific technical aspects, important humanvalues are promoted. But this is my personal opinion.
Soccer is one of the most popular sports worldwide, both popular and professionally. But the history of soccer, far from being always connected to the greatness of a popular sport, has been subject to the human history and adapting to each culture to turn into what we now know as soccer. Throughout my life, I was I have asked myself, likemany on this planet, how come the world's most popular sport is so secondary and uninspiring in the United states. What happens is that soccer is a very easy sport to play; its regulations are no more than 15 rules and do not need to be an athlete to play it.
There are many cultural issues around soccer, the players and the social perception of this game. In many countries, soccer is part of thenational culture, paying attention in numerous newspapers and magazines. The players, especially the best, become the model and the aspiration for many people. Soccer is twenty two guys in underwear running after a ball. Who has not ever heard such a categorical and shocking statement? I has, of course, many times, although it is fair to recognize that even the version that ended up claiming that...
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