Dance in spain

Páginas: 3 (550 palabras) Publicado: 19 de septiembre de 2010
The styles of dancing in Spain.
Hello, my name is Rocío and I’m going to talk about the styles of dancing in Spain. In Spain
there are a lot of different types of dances, each type of dance comesfrom an autonomous
community. Spain has a great variety of dances, I would like to share with you the ones I like.

In the northwest we can find Galicia there the traditional dance is calledMuñeira. The Muñeira
is a popular dance with songs and dances accompanied by the bagpipe, drums, tambourine,
bass drum and sometimes shells. They say that this dance comes from abroad and danced inthe mills while waiting for the milling.

If we go a little to the west we find the Basque Country, there the popular dance is called
Zorcico it is used as a rhythm to accompany sung melodies. Themost widely used instrument
is the drum.

If we continue to the east we can find Cataluña, there the popular dance is called Sardana. The
Sardana is a group dance in a circle. Participants holdhands in pairs, meaning that even a man
with his right hand grabs a woman. Many Sardanas have lyrics, but only the instrumental
versions are often used for dancing.

Now we have relocated to thecenter and find Madrid, there we can find the Chotis. It is a

social dance from the center of Europe to which it would has its origin in a Scottish dance.

In Madrid, the sound of an organ isdanced by couples face to face, and women during the

dance revolves around the man, who spins on his axis. It is said that men does not need more

space than a tile dance. Women tend to dancewearing a shawl and men usually wear a

parpusa, a type of beret, on his head.

A bit to the south, we find Castilla la Mancha there the popular dance is called Seguidilla. The

Seguidillasare a type of Spanish songs accompanied by dancing with animated movements

accompanied by castanets, guitars, mandolins, flutes, mortar and a bottle with a

key. The content of its lyrics is...
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