
Páginas: 6 (1288 palabras) Publicado: 18 de febrero de 2010
¿Cuál de estos libros es una fuente clave de Dan Brown cuando escribió El Código Da Vinci?
CORRECT ANSWER: A. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. a 1982 book by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, is an explanation of numerous paradigm-shattering notions, including the possibility that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and sired a line of descendants — ideas which form the premise of The Da VinciCode. The other books in the list are works of fictional Harvard symbology professor Robert Langdon, the protagonist of The Da Vinci Code.
En la novela, el curador asesinado del Louvre, Jacques Saunière, se encuentra en la misma postura que el Leonardo da Vinci de dibujo El Hombre de Vitruvio. ¿De dónde viene el nombre del dibujo viene?

CORRECT ANSWER: C. A Roman architect. Leonardo made thedrawing in his notebook in 1490, based upon Vitruvius’s treatise on the mathematical proportions of the human body, written in the first century BCE. Though Vitruvius was interested in anatomy, his real profession was architecture. He wrote The Ten Books on Architecture, probably the first literary work on the subject.

Verdadero o falso: Al igual que el monje albino asesino Silas en la novela, larealidad del Opus Dei devotos de usar el cinturón de púas alrededor de sus piernas y el látigo a sí mismos.

CORRECT ANSWER: A. True. In a 2005 article for Crisis, a Catholic magazine, the Rev. Michael Geisler defended devotees’ wearing of a cilice, a sharpened chain, and applying the flagellum, a small whip of knotted cords, to their backs. Noting the apostle Paul’s comment in 1 Corinthians that “Ipommel my body and subdue it,” Geisler explained that the practice dated back to ancient times, and was intended to help the devotees identify with the tortured Jesus.
En la novela, la pirámide de IM Pei a la entrada del museo del Louvre se describe como se construye precisamente de 666 piezas de vidrio, a instancias del entonces presidente de Francia Francoise Mitterrand. ¿Cuántas piezas de lapirámide de vidrio no contienen realmente?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. 673 According to a document on the Louvre Web site, the pyramid has 673 panes.
5) En la página 121 de la novela, Langdon explica que el nombre de la Mona Lisa es una combinación de los nombres del dios egipcio y la diosa de la fertilidad, Amon y L'Isa, la que dice Leonardo utilizado para simbolizar "la unión divina de lo masculino ymujeres. "¿Por qué Leonardo da Vinci realmente dar su famoso cuadro de ese nombre?
CORRECT ANSWER: D. None of the above. Leonardo never actually gave the painting a name, according to Dan Burstein’s book, Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code. Instead, Burstein writes, it went by various names, including “Courtesan With a Gauze Veil.”
6) Brown escribe queLeonardo tenía que pintar una segunda versión de la Virgen de las Rocas para satisfacer a una organización religiosa que había encargado la pintura. ¿Es eso cierto o falso?
CORRECT ANSWER: C. Nobody really knows for sure. According to Brown, Leonardo’s original commission for Madonna, which hangs in the Louvre, came from the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception, which supposedly wasscandalized by some of the details of Leonardo’s finished work. The discontent was so great that Leonardo purportedly had to paint a second version, called Virgin on the Rocks, which now hangs in London’s National Gallery. However, art scholars disagree on whether Leonardo actually painted Virgin, or whether he simply directed Evangelista de Predis in painting it, and there is also some dispute aboutwhich painting was created first.
7) ¿Cuál de estas famosas figuras culturales no era uno de los grandes maestros del Priorato de Sión que figuran en la página 206 de la novela?

CORRECT ANSWER: C. Alexander Pope Pope, however, plays a minor but crucial role in the novel, as the "pope" in a riddle who "interred" Isaac Newton by giving a eulogy for the physicist at his funeral in 1727. (In reality,...
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