Educación Más Allá

Páginas: 3 (527 palabras) Publicado: 25 de julio de 2012
necessarily consider global development patterns and the possible impact that these may be
having on education worldwide.
1. Global development patterns in a changing world
The current context ofglobal development is characterized by widening inequalities observed
in most countries resulting in social exclusion and undermining social cohesion1, growing
youth unemployment2, rising vulnerableemployment3, and where the poor are increasingly
found in middle-income countries and in fragile states4. Moreover, the increased
interdependency of all societies in a context of intensifiedeconomic globalisation goes
unabated in a context of emerging economies and shifting multi-polar global geopolitics.
Furthermore, the greater multiplication and diversification in sources of information,the
continued acceleration in the production of and circulation of knowledge, combined with the
development of new information and communication technologies and digital media, explain
theemergence of new forms of civic and political socialisation and mobilisation in the context
of the knowledge society. Finally, increasing pressures on natural resources and associated
climate change,diverse and multifaceted crises and shocks, such as the food, the fuel,
financial and debt crises, as well as natural and technological disasters, call for a reexamination
of our conceptualisations ofprogress and dominant models of human
2. Redefining the relevance of the international education agenda
In considering the possible impact that global development patterns may be havingon
education worldwide, it is important to highlight the tension regarding the global relevance of
the international education agenda set for 2015. The MDG framework adopted in 2000, only
severalmonths after the adoption of the EFA Dakar Framework for Action the same year, not
only challenged EFA as the sole reference for educational development at the global level,
but also narrowed the...
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