Ejemplo De Proyect Charter
Shared Financial System (SFS) Project:
8.8 Upgrade
mm dd, yyyy
Disclaimer: This example represents a real project; however, the content has been modified and specifics removed (e.g., names, dates, budget amounts).
Prepared By: Project Manager
Title: Project Manager
Project Charter Approval Signatures
Project Name: SFS 8.8 Upgrade ProjectProject Manager:
___________________________________ _________
(Signature) (Date)
Project Manager
Division of Information Technology – Application Development and Integration
Project Sponsor:
___________________________________ _________
(Signature) (Date)DoIT Co-Director
Application Development and Integration
Division of Information Technology
Executive Sponsor:
___________________________________ _________
(Signature) (Date)
Associate Vice President for Financial Administration
Document Change Control
The following is the document control for therevisions to this document.
|Revision Number |Date of Issue |Author(s) |Brief Description of Change |
|Version 1.0 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager, Staff1, Staff2 |Initial version for review and |
| | ||comment. |
|Version 1.2 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager, Staff1, Staff2 |Changes to scope, removal of |
| | | |budget items |
|Version 1.3 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager, Staff1,Staff2 |Further refinements to scope, |
| | | |modifications to team structure |
|Version 1.4 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager, Staff1, Staff2 |Small wording changes |
|Version 1.5 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager, Staff1,Staff2 |Small wording changes. Published |
| | | |to team. |
|Version 2.0 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager |Major structural changes for ease|
| | ||of viewing, additions to project |
| | | |approach. |
|Version 2.1 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager |Change to management structure |
| | ||and decision making process |
|Version 2.2 |mm / dd / yy |Project Manager |Added Executive Advisory Group |
| | | |per Sponsor |
|Version 2.3 |mm / dd / yy |ProjectManager |Added Steering Committee members |
The following are definitions of terms, abbreviations and acronyms used in this document.
|Term, Abbreviation or Acronym |Definition |
|CBS |Common Business Systems...
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