English Essay

Páginas: 3 (503 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2012
As human beings, we are determined to interact with people. Our whole life is based on talking, sharing, and being in contact with others. Definitely, we are social beings. But when the experience ofrelating with each other turns uncomfortable, we might guess something´s wrong. Disrespectful comments, intimidation, physical abuse; no, this is not common in healthy relationships.
We shouldrecognize these acts as part of a dangerous social situation called bullying. It is a type of harassment based on an aggressive behavior between teenagers that includes a feeling of power imbalance.Bullying could affect the victim physically and emotionally, causing severe damages to the mental health of the person. The self minimizing effects of bullying on teenagers are low self esteem, depression,and the possibility of committing suicide. Society should know about this new type of aggression to be aware on time and help to prevent it.
Hearing every day nasty comments and being a target toabusive people could affect the way victims perceive themselves, leading them to develop low self esteem. If you are a vulnerable person and someone is always making fun of you because of the way youlook or the things you do, you might end up thinking something´s wrong with you. Teenagers with lack of self esteem, because they are being bullied, could feel like they are less worthy, dislikingthemselves and creating a distorted image about them.
Depression could be considered one of the main effects of bullying. Experts have identified depression as a mental health disorder caused bybullying. Teenagers would feel like they don’t belong, or they won’t be accepted since they are being attacked because of the way they are, so they might isolate themselves for fear. This feeling ofloneliness could lead to depression, increasing sadness, mood changes, lack of motivation, and a sense of helplessness.
As a domino effect, the possibility of committing suicide is the last one, but the...
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