
Páginas: 7 (1616 palabras) Publicado: 9 de abril de 2011
Instituto Guatemalteco Americano
7th Magisterio

Based on the work of Graham (1978), this short jazz chant reinforces the present-continuous structure. As Graham (1978:ix) points out, jazz chants are highly motivating because of their rhythms and humour. In addition, the young learners need not patiently remain intheir seats. They can move, clap their hands, snap their fingers, or tap their feet; they are involved both mentally and physically. Songs, poems, chants, and similar activities reduce anxiety and increase the personal involvement of second-language learners. This kind of practice is certainly not a “formal drill” of the traditional stimulus-response kind.
Reading, songs and rhymes are a veryimportant for the development of your child.  They not only help with using and understanding words but give you child and interest in these areas. 
Song and rhyme teach us about language and help us to remember stories.  Many legends, fables and biblical stories are put to song or rhyme such as the Psalms which remind us of God’s sovereignty. 
Children love songs and rhymes with actions.   Thisencourages them to be involved in group activities.  In participating we not only learn the song but the actions too.  Both of which need skill and lots of concentration to put the two together at the some time.
Reading, songs and rhymes can be used (especially with older children) as a form of relaxation or unwinding before bed.  When he is very young it doesn’t matter what you are reading because itis the soothing sound of your voice that will relax him.  You can use this time to catch up on your mail, read a magazine or the latest novel. 
As he becomes more interested in what you are reading, choose baby books with strong bright colors and simple pictures.  When reading, make it interesting.  Talk about the pictures.  Choose fabric or cardboard pages for the very young so he may turn thepages without tearing them.  When putting an older child to bed, a story time can become part of his bedtime routine.  He will recognize it as a quality time with parents or loved ones, a special time to calm down and relax before sleeping.  This quiet time can be part of his daytime sleep routine too.
Children who have been read to since early childhood grow to love reading.  Reading is anintegral part of growing up and those who love to read are usually those who love learning. 
It is ideal to start these activities when you child is very young.   Form a habit of reading and singing to him regularly, this will help him to concentrate, to sit still on your lap or opposite you when he needs to copy your actions. 

The Importance of Songs, Rhymes, Chants, and Musical Games
Songs,rhymes, chants, and musical games are fantastic materials for the language teacher to use with young learners. They have innumerable virtues. The following are the ones which I like best:
• Games/plays are a essential part of a curriculum, not a time filler or reward (Vale & Feunteun). Here I would add songs, too.
• Songs, rhymes, and chants are wonderful means of teaching stress andintonation patterns of English.
• Play and music are a source of motivation, interest and enjoyment.
• Parents should not become anxious if children say they have 'played' or 'sung' in the language class.
• Games, including musical ones, constitute a context for language use for children. They become themselves when they play or sing.
• Music and rhythm make it much easier to imitateand remember language than words which are just 'spoken'--if you teach children a song, it somehow 'sticks'.
• You can use a song or a chant to teach children the sounds and rhythm of English, to reinforce structures and vocabulary, or as Total Physical Response activities--but above all to have fun (Phillips).
• A song is a very strong means of triggering emotions that
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