
Páginas: 2 (397 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012

1.- Complete the sentences with simple past. (negative e interrogative)

1. Last night we _____ (walk) to the cinema.

2. I _____ (study) for the exam for threehours
3. They _____ (be) happy to be home.
4. Sally _____ (be) disappointed she _____ (miss) the party.
5. Dan _____ (not/work) last week.
6. When I was young, we always _____ (go) toFlorida for the summer.
7. Dan _____ (not/work) last week
8. _____ you _____ (wash) the dishes?
9. We _____ (meet) them at the restaurant.
10. I _____ (dream) I could fly last night.11. The children (watch) .................... TV the whole day yesterday.
12. Susan (leave) .................... the house early at night.
13. The burglars (break) .................... thewindow with a hammer.
14. Clara (make) .................... a beautiful dress for her sister.
15. The students (know) .................... all the answers of the exam.
16. W. Shakespeare(write) .................... several novels.
17. We (stay) .................... at home because the weather was bad.
18. I (invite) .................... Thomas and his wife to my wedding.19. My mother (suggest) .................. going to the cinema

2.- Complete the sentences with was or were.
1. I ________happy.
2. You ________angry.
3. She __________in London lastweek.
4. He ___________on holiday.
5. It __________cold.
6. We ___________at school.
7. You ___________at the cinema.
8. They _____________at home.
9. The cat __________onthe roof.
10. The children ________in the garden

3.- Complete the sentences with comparative form and make 10 affirmative sentences .
1. This computer is (new) ________________-than yourcomputer.
2. Lisa is ___________________(old) than George.
3. George is (young) _______________than Lisa.
4. That car is (expensive) ________________________-than this car.
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