Global Marketing

Páginas: 6 (1271 palabras) Publicado: 18 de octubre de 2011
1.0 Executive Summary
Global marketing is the internationally selling of goods or providing services of a company. A company must first start off by being a domestic company and then through goals and ambitions develop into a global market. Two companies that demonstrated this process are McDonald’s Corporation and Starbucks Coffee. The market mix of the two has many differences as well assimiles which shall be discussed.
2.0 Introduction
The primary aim of this research report is to present information on what a global market is, the obstacles that a company may face when becoming a global company, and comparing and contrasting two major brand companies that are international. Firstly, a global market is the building of awareness to the world of a company's product or servicein order to obtain recognition and a greater income. The recognition at a worldwide scale or the large incomes of money do not take place until after a long and hard process of going through difficult obstacles. Two companies which have gone through this process and are already in the reaping stages of their hard work are Starbucks Coffee and McDonalds.
3.0 Research Methodology
The best wayto conduct research for this essay report is to find sources on the internet and verify that they are reliable, legitimate and trustworthy. These webpages should contain information that is both quantitative as well as qualitative and must be actualized up to the present year (2011). Another way of going about this research report is to select, analyze, organize and evaluate the informationgathered and then go further on to write the project report.
4.0 Research Findings
4.1 Global Marketing-Theory
4.2.1 Contrast global/domestic marketing
When talking about economy there are two different terms that can describe the type of market of a company. These two types are global markets and domestic market or more frequently referred to as regional markets. Theseeconomic groupings share many differences between each other. Firstly and most primarily, the biggest difference is that in a global market the company exports and provides a service and/or product throughout the world, yet a domestic market limits itself to only providing a service and/or product to its region. Another difference between the two is that they both focus and target a different clientrange. While a domestic market only has to consider the needs of a client in its region, a global market must deal with the needs and wants of customers throughout the globe. There exists yet another difference which is the competition that they have to worry about. Whilst a global market must consider the competition in all areas of the world a domestic market only worries about the neighboringbusinesses in the region.
4.2.2 Motivation for global marketing. Disadvantages
A company with a global market exceeds in the numerous benefits they obtain in return and this is what motivates a company to further their horizons and expand to a global market. Although this may all sounds very satisfying there are some disadvantages that come with being a global market. The biggest drawbackor disadvantage is the restrictions with the host country’s government. Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks that global companies must learn to go around are the obstacles put by the laws and regulations of the country in which they want to operate in. This is a difficult task since all countries have their different laws and regulation when it comes to selling, trading, exporting/importing,etc.
4.2.3 Difficulties, and strategies for overcoming these difficulties
It is a fact that a company that expands globally is faced with many difficulties and a company going through all sorts of complications must have a plan or strategies for going about to fix their problems. One difficulty that a global company faces is meeting the needs and wants of the costumers of different...
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