How to teach grammar

Páginas: 7 (1687 palabras) Publicado: 31 de agosto de 2010
Chapter 1 What is Grammar?
Grammar is the study of what forms (or structures) are posible in a language. It is a description of the rules that govern how a languages sentence are formed.
The system of the rules that cover the order of the words in a sentence is called syntax.
The system of rules that cover the formation of words is called morphology.
From a learners perspective, the abilityboth to recognize and to produce well-formed sentences is an essential part of learning a second language.
Grammar & Meaning
Grammar communicates meanings of a very precise kind. Vocabulary also communicates meaning.
Grammar is a process for making a speakers or writers meaning clear when contextual information is lacking.
Learners need to learn not only what forms are possible, but whatparticular for will express their particular meanings.

When we process a language we are not only trying to make sense of the words and grammar, but we also trying to infers the speakers (or writers) intention, or, the function of what they are saying or writing.
In the mid-seventies the relation between grammar and function became an important issue for teachers. Certain form functions areeasily identifiable. For example, the form Would you like…? Is typically used to function as an invitation or offer. The form if only I hadn’t … commonly initiates the expression of a regret.

Spoken grammar & written grammar
Most learners of English as a foreign language will be using English to communicate with other non-native speakers. For the purposes of mutual intelligibility the best modelof English for this type of learner may be a kind of neutral English without marked regional or cultural features, or without a strong bias to either the spoken or written mode.

Grammar rules
a) A principal or order which guides behavior, says how things are to be done
b) The usual way that something happens.
The first rule is often called a prescriptive rule and the second adescriptive rule.
Rules of form are easier to formulate and are less controversial than rules of use. But the rules of use are heavily dependent on contextual factors and the nature of rules of use can cause frustration for both learners and teachers alike and it can only be support by examples or means of contexts.

Chapter 2 Why teach Grammar?
Grammar & Methods
Grammar Translation. These coursesfollowed a grammar syllabus and lessons typically began with an explicit statement of the rule, followed by exercises involving translation into and out of the mother tongue.
Direct method. Learners picked up the grammar in much the same way as children pick up the grammar of their mother tongue, simply by being immersed in language.
Audiolingualism. The audio-lingual syllabus consists of agraded list of sentence patterns, which, although not necessarily labeled as such, were grammatical in origin. These patterns form the basis of pattern-practice drills, the distinguishing feature of Audio-lingual classroom practice.
The Natural Approach attempts to replicate the conditions of first language acquisition.
In 1970s Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) was motivated by developments inthe new science of sociolinguistics and the belief that communicative competence consist of more than simply the knowledge of the rules of grammar.
Grammar-translation the rules are simply presented to the learner, who then goes on to apply them through the study and manipulation of examples (a deductive approach). Other approaches, including the shallow-end form of the communicative approach,often required the learners first to study examples an work the rules out for themselves (an inductive approach).
Grammar now
It is important to establish the fact that “grammar teaching” can mean different things to different people. On the other hand, it may mean teaching to a communicative syllabus, but dealing with grammar questions as they arise. (covert). More typically grammar Teaching...
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