Human resources
May 19, 2012
This article mentions the importance to develop a good relationship with your immediate boss and other employees(co-workers). In 10 points the article describes situations and recommendation that you may consider in order to improve or create relationships at your workplace. Even your boss is bad boss it isvital to create a relationship with him to be success on you work, both share a critical interdependence that help you to achieve your goals.
The first proposed point is to develop a positiverelationship base on the trust and the commitment.
A communication with your boss needs also be develop; this is the first step to be success and also achieve your boss expectations.
It is also important toconsider your boss needs as your priority, because if he gets his goals with your support, it will consider your contribution to support you with your improvements.
Provide positive recognition toyour boss is important to make your boss feel valued.
Understand and follows your boss style is better to complete faster your commitments
This article includes an important phrase that likes me“disagreement is fine, discord no” it is important to understand that we are human and sometimes we will have disagreements, but keeps it at the professional plan not as a personal situation, because itcan damage seriously your relationship and do not to provide any benefit to you career.
In general I believe that this article provides information that we already know; however it is interestingbecause even we understand all the proposed points, we forget to put this on practice. You as part of a company always will have a boss and it is from you to decide the way that you want to follow; tocreate good relationship with your boss and co-workers will give you more benefits and retributions on your job than just maintain a passive or negative attitude, you will be able to develop new...
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