
Páginas: 6 (1446 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2013

Lectura 4
In this first step, you will read carefully the presentation of this unit (phrasal verbs have been highlighted in yellow). A full glossary below will help you understand it better. To get information in Spanish, just place the arrow of your mouse on any highlighted word without clicking.
In the best organised businesses accidents sometimes happen. Today's accident happened to aworker who had been using a grinding-machine in the fitters' shop.
Harper & Grant Ltd., like most engineering companies, has a fitters' shop where routine maintenance repairs and modifications are done on machine tools. Obviously it is in the management's interest to do everything they can to prevent accidents, but it is not always possible to foresee people's actions, in other words "the humanfactor". Two people react to the accident in a particular way. The first is Peter Wiles, who hopes that the accident is not fatal (a fatal accident is when someone is killed). But he is very concerned in case his company is sued for negligence.
Negligence is lack of proper care; in this case, in the provision of safety measures, or safeguards, for the men working the machines. There are various formsof negligence for which a person or firm can be sued for compensation in a civil court action. In the event of an accident the injured person could sue for damages which he alleges are caused by the negligence of his employer. If it is also found that statutory regulations, for example, the laws regarding health and safety, have been broken, the local factory inspector (a government employee)might institute criminal proceedings against the company. If the company can be proved to have been negligent, Reg Arnold, the man who was injured, may be able to claim a lot of money in compensation. Compensation, in this case, means money paid to an employee who has had a serious accident which has reduced, or may reduce, his working capacity.
The other interested person in the accident isthe shop steward, Mr. Jack Green. He thinks the safety precautions are inadequate. A company can be held negligent even if it supplies goggles and other protective clothing and encourages their use. A court could rule that the management should see that its own instructions, or those of the factory inspector, are actually carried out. If Arnold were to make a claim against the company, he would almostcertainly do it through his trade union. This is the main activity of a union's legal department. Incidentally, he will get money from the State while he is not able to work, and all the care he receives in hospital will be free under the National Health Service..

En este primer paso, lea atentamente la presentación de esta unidad (verbos compuestos se hanresaltado en amarillo). Un glosario completo a continuación le ayudará a entender mejor. Para obtener información en español, basta con colocar la flecha del ratón en la palabra resaltada sin hacer clic.
En el mejor de los accidentes de las empresas organizadas a veces suceder.accidente de hoy pasó a un trabajador que había estado utilizando un pulido -Máquina de la montadores "tienda . Harper y GrantLtd., como la mayoría de las empresas de ingeniería, tiene una montadores "tienda en la reparación y mantenimiento de rutina modificaciones se realizan en máquinas-herramienta . Obviamente, es de interés para la gestión de hacer todo lo posible para evitar accidentes, pero no siempre es posible prever acciones de las personas, es decir, 
" el factor humano " . Dos personas reaccionan ante elaccidente de una manera particular. El primero de ellos es Peter Wiles, quien espera que el accidente no es mortal (un accidente mortal es cuando alguien es asesinado).Pero él está muy preocupado por si su compañía está demandado por negligencia. 
negligencia es la falta de atención adecuada, en este caso, en la provisión de medidas de seguridad, o salvaguardias, para los hombres que trabajan las...
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