List of science sites

Páginas: 3 (562 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2014
CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, andthat this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I confirm that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas, and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased. Any assistance Ireceived while producing this paper has been acknowledged in the References section. I have obtained written permission or have included a release from the copyright holder for any trademarkedmaterial, logos, images from the Internet, or other sources. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature.
 Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature):
Vilmary Ortiz Figueroa
Processed on: 06-26-10 1:10 AM CDT
ID: 141299149
Word Count: 298
Submitted: 1
List of Science InternetSites
By Vilmary Ortiz-figueroa
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Internet Sources:


Student Papers:

12% match (Internet)
3% match (Internet from 12/5/03)
3% match (Internet)
3% match (Internet from 11/21/06)
3% match (Internet from 2/21/10)
3% match (Internet)
3% match (Internet from 5/1/10)

Nota: El trabajo fue sometido al filtro de plagio sinadjuntar el “Certificate of Originality” ya que podía alterar el resultado. Al igual que la lista de estudios sociales, el porciento de plagio fue alto ya que el trabajo consiste en buscar direccioneselectrónicas y obviamente debe ser copiada exactamente como aparece.
List of Science Internet Sites
Vilmary Ortiz Figueroa
Methods of Teaching in Early Childhood II – ECH/533
Dr. Noel Maldonado
26 de...
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