
Páginas: 6 (1412 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2012
Humans, unlike our "evolutionary cousins," live in a monogamous society (marriage) as an institution (family) that raises children without losing the habit of living in large social groups, where women and men continuously share.
Our sexual behavior, when talking about monogamy, depends on habits, race, religion, wealth, environment, among others. Let us mention some examples:
•Women seek monogamous marriage. They are selective in finding a man to give them children and help them to raise them, and preferably keep them for life.
• Women generally do not seek sexual variety per se. Lesbians do not tend to promiscuity, but rather, to a prominent monogamy.

Finding the perfect match is not the end of the story for our instincts. They are also involved ininfidelity. We have seen that compared to men, women are less interested in casual sex. Once again, biology helps us to find some answers.
As everyone knows, most men are fertile every day and during all day. As for ovulation, the human species is very rare in the animal kingdom. Other species announce their fertility with big stridency. Some with a red and swollen bottom, others with the smell or bysinging. But human females hide their ovulation so men have to stay close in order to take the most in those few fertile days.
For women, hidden ovulation means something different: The chance to have sex or even getting pregnant from another man. They have not only the opportunity to have sex, they may even have the motivation. They instinctively know the days when they can conceive, and duringthose fertile days they can go to a party or shopping, shopping for genes.
An experiment to discover the men types that women find attractive in different menstrual cycle stages was carried out at the Sterling University in Scotland. Women were shown men photographs, which were altered to become more masculine or not, with harder or finer features. Women were divided into two groups: those whowere ovulating and those who did not. The non-ovulating women preferred feminized faces. But when the test was repeated with women who were ovulating, the results were far apart. These women overwhelmingly preferred the more masculine faces.
Researchers believe they know the cause. The more masculine faces, with a wider neck, chin; jaw and prominent eyebrows reflect higher strength and health.Qualities that females want for their babies. Feminine instinct impels women to seek the best genes for their children and this can act as a temptation to be unfaithful.
In fact, a British survey suggests that women who cheat on their partners are more likely to do so during the period of ovulation. None man is 100% sure that a child is his unless they use a DNA test. In Mexico we have a saying thatgoes “My daughter’s children are my grandchildren, my son’s children, only God knows”.
Women sometimes are unfaithful. They have the ability to accept or cause an extramarital affair with a man they know, even if they are "happily married". Matt Ridely in his book “The Red Queen”, mentions several reasons for that:
• The man is an adulterer.
• The woman has a seductive nature
• Thesociety, as dynamic and complex, border couples to unhappiness
• The biological explanation: Women seek an option "B" in case their first partner does not work.
Radley stands that a female that has a mediocre male partner, although with large territory, will have an "adventure" (adulterous relationship) with a genetically superior male, as it happens in some birds like the swallow. That is why somewomen say to each other "Marry a good man but have an affair with a rich ugly man” Or “Marry a good man but have a handsome young lover".
Every legal code defines adultery according to the woman, not the man, why? Because it punishes the introduction of a "stranger" to the family. An intruder attacks the integrity of the family, and the man's adultery does not guarantee that. The law protects...
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