Origen De La Familia

Páginas: 7 (1583 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2011
Approaching the Complexity of Intercultural Communication

Nowadays in developed countries (more than in emerging countries) is common to find workplaces that embrace a wide variety of cultures. Hence, good communication and interpersonal skills are increasingly important. Differences in culture are reflected through religious, social, ethnic and technical backgrounds. Each member of theworking force brings a unique set of values, and experiences to the workplace which can be traced to the culture in which they grew up.

Communication issues are becoming a considerable source of conflict and inefficiency in the increasingly diversed work force throughout the world. Organizations composed of a multicultural working force inevitably face different levels of “interculturalcommunication” issues.

Written, verbal and non-verbal communication is

The face of the workplace is changing: More women, more ethnic minorities, and more immigrants are entering the work force. As a result, the workplace is increasingly multicultural. Now, think about what you’ve read about today’s job market: Employers look for job candidates who have good communication and interpersonal skillsand are team players. Those skills are increasingly important as the American work force expands to include a wide variety of cultures.
Culture is a set of learned attitudes, behaviors, and the other things that comprise a way of life. Although you’ll share your organization’s culture with your co-workers, it’s unlikely that you’ll share your personal culture with all your co-workers. You’llfind many “ways of life” represented in the workplace. Depending on your experience with and exposure to different cultures, your “comfort zone” with different groups can expand or contract.
The challenge to today’s employer is to ensure that its work force’s diversity is a source of strength, not one of conflict. Recognize, however, that it is not the sole responsibility of the employer to seethat goal achieved; all employees, including you, share in that responsibility.
Communication Styles
Miscommunication is a major source of intercultural discomfort and conflict. Communication—verbal, written, and nonverbal—goes beyond what’s said, written, or expressed. The process of communicating differs among cultures: It’s how it’s said (or written or expressed), when it’s said, and why it’ssaid. These things comprise one’s communication style. Miscommunication can (and often does) result when an individual’s style of communicating differs from that of another person. In today’s workplace, you can bet that, at some point, you’ll deal with a co-worker whose communication style differs from yours. Learning how to communicate among cultures is a necessary ability no matter what type ofcareer field you enter.
Communication—verbal, written, and nonverbal—
goes beyond what’s said, written, or expressed.
What’s your communication style? Do you communicate in a linear manner, moving in a straight line to your point? Or, are you more apt to use a spiral style in your communications, circling aroundyour subject in tighter and tighter loops until you get to your point? Neither style is right or wrong, but the “spiral communicator” may perceive the “linear communicator” as abrupt or rude. The linear communicator might think the spiral communicator is deceptive or indecisive. In each case, there’s been a misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
Some other areas where there commonly aredifferences in style include:
• Courtesy: Greeting styles differ among cultures, for example, as do ways of discussing problems or conflicts.
• Phasing: One example of differences in phasing is when one deems it an “appropriate time” for a discussion. Lead-ins to business talk are another example of where differences exist.
• Objectivity: Argument styles are an example of objectivity differences. In...
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