Proceso contable

Páginas: 3 (658 palabras) Publicado: 26 de marzo de 2010
The accounting process in Colombia Rittal Ltd is a mutual interaction between all employees of the company. Each area contributes its part to enable the process to flow smoothlyto the end. If there is a drawback in the production process does not stop and continues usually until the end.
We divided into four major accounting process in those Areas:
A. Sales Area
B.Logistics Area
C. Finance and Collect Debts Area
D. Human Resources Area
Sales area: minimum steps to meet:
1: Customer Offer
It is based on the price previously dealer and approved by the GeneralManagement in large projects. This process is led by CEO and sales team, ensuring that the budget is met, seeking the causes decreases in re projects and seek new markets.
2: Purchase Order, theclient approved:
       2.1 If the product exists in the warehouse is the release through the purchase order.
       2.2 If the product is placed there is a C to Germany

3. Billing
     3.1 Weshall proceed to the immediate turnover of the product based on the purchase order, which is downloaded as the purchase order will be fulfilled.
    3.2 If the product does not exist in the warehouse isto place a purchase order to Germany.
4. Import process
   4.1 Once the product is approved by Germany to start the import process that take into account for clearance the following factors:
     -Invoice or FAS FOB
     - Land freight external costs and shipping
     - Sea freight
    - Insurance
   - Nationalization costs, customs duties
    - Domestic freight
   - Clearance of Importand schedule of payment to Germany in 45 days.
5. Once it cleared the import is to make the entry of goods to warehouse, is the referral and the invoice to the client or from abroad.
LOGISTICS AREA:Is the area responsible for maintaining the stock necessary to ensure that orders are completed and released timely, control inventory and keep track of the product from leaving the factory in...
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