Shock Wave

Páginas: 5 (1113 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2012
Pack on mass and get STRONG AS HELL with this routine. Building mass and strength is all about signals. Training sends several different signals to your muscles via your central nervous system (CNS). Some of this are anabolic and build muscle, while others are catabolic, meaning they break tissue down. The key to any great training program is to maximize the anabolic signals that help, whileminimizing the catabolic ones that impede your progress.

Chances are, you’re training to do one of two things: Either you want to get bigger or you want to get stronger. Must guys want both, but one of these two rationales is usually more important than the other. Trouble is, training taxes two different systems for these two purposes: the musculoskeletal system for size and the CNS forstrength and they don’t recover at the same rate.

Muscles, even in worst case scenarios when you’re experiencing a nasty case of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), typically require no more than 48 hours to fully recover. The CNS, by contrast, can take as long as 14 days to make it back from serious exertion.

The idea, then, is to train using a program that pries the two apart,and that’s precisely what Shock Wave does by ensuring only the minimum amount of CNS stimulation necessary to trigger hypertrophy, or muscle growth. In other words, it gets you bigger and stronger by beating the hell out of your muscles, not your nervous system.



Shockwave’s simple five-level movement plan lets your body reach maximum anabolic signaling andminimum catabolic signaling in every training session. Your goal with this program is to work through as many levels as you feel capable of performing during any given workout. That’s all there is to it. If you feel exhausted, stop at Level 1. If you’re amped and ready to tear down cinder block walls with your teeth, run the full gamut through to Level X. Give it a shot and let science get youhuge and stronger.


Level 0: These are your warm-up exercises. The weight with these moves should be light and manageable, with rep performance rapid yet controlled. Always perform all Level 0 movements in every session, resting no more than two minutes between sets.

Level 1: These movements employ the Eccentric-Loading ExplosiveContraction (ELECT) rep performance strategy. The absolute minimum goal of any training session is to complete all Level 1 movements. Keep rest periods between each mini-set as short as possible to create one long set for each ELECT movement.

Level 2: These are your auxiliary movements. Perform them as you would in any other training plan, choosing weights where the desired number of reps is justobtainable. In other words, if your target is eight reps, use a weight where a ninth rep would be impossible. Rest for no longer than three minutes between sets.

Level U: This level helps maintain and increase your strength using a technique called Daily Undulating Periodization, described on page 94. Again, rest for no longer than three minutes between sets.

Level X: These are yourextreme-level movements. Perform these exercises on days when you feel invincible. The weight you use should be heavy but manageable, because this isn’t the time to max out or miss a lift. Warning: If you can’t do them properly, they’ll slow or even halt your gains.


1) ELECT (Eccentric- Loading Explosive Contraction): Theway you perform each rep is more important than the number of reps or the weight on the bar. There’s a “turnaround” point where muscles go from eccentric (negative) to concentric (positive). This is the Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC), and it can be modified based on your goal. For ELECT sets, perform your reps as follows:

a) Lower the weight for a count of one to three seconds through the...
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