Social Network.
A social network it is a place in the internet where you can activelyparticipate in it. You can meeting new people from the whole world, sharing with your friends andfamily, talk about your life, and know about what is happening in the world.
1.In my opinion, I believe that is good for people, because it a practice way to chat with yourpeople, and it is free (if you have internet in your computer or cellphone) and fast.
2.It is a nice place in the net where you can share photography taken from you, music, videosand a lot of things, no doubt about that you are have so much fun in social networks.
3.This make you a person that is constantly informed about news, because there is a pages thatprovides news on development, you can even noticing your friends about what are you doing, orwhat is happening around you in that exactly moment.
1. Like you and you...
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