Social Theories

Páginas: 4 (840 palabras) Publicado: 29 de septiembre de 2012

Poverty is one of the society’s biggest issues. For centuries many people have been trying to at least to determine causes of them, because trying to understand why there is such an unequaldistribution of the wealth, might just lead to an answer to it. Because of the complexity of the issue, there multiple theories that tries to explain the what’s, the where’s and the why’s of poverty.In this paper we are going to talk about three different theories of the unequal distribution of wealth; Multiculturalism, Gender Conflict and Learning Theory. By comparing and contrastingMulticulturalism, Learning and gender conflict theory, because if we understand what these theories say about poverty we could reach an answer to one of the world’s most aching problems.
Multiculturalism is atheory that explains social issues such as poverty through the lens of ethnicity and race of the people and the theories imply that minorities have a huge disadvantage when it comes to thedistribution of wealth. Minorities are a “small group of people within a community or country, differing from the main population in race, religion, language, or political persuasion”. Minorities are oftentreated unfairly by several reasons; some of them are based on prejudices and bad stereotypes. To set an example, let’s take a look at the African descendant community; because of the stereotype that saysthey are lazy and have a tendency to behaviors like burglary and drug consuming, they might not receive the same opportunities has others just has it was seen during the segregation in the U.S.Another example is the Indians. Indians are probably the most unfairly treated minority. In our country, Indians are often relegated with no help from the government. So there is a big similarity with thegender conflict. There is a contrast with the learning theory because this one says that no human is born “evil”, while the multiculturalism says that there are some races and ethnics that are...
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