Specific Intensifiers

Páginas: 4 (919 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2012
Certain adjectives have their own 'special' intensifiers which are
often used with them. Here are some common ones:

He was blind drunk and behaved really badly.
e.g.: He arrivedat home blind drunk.
He was blind drunk whilst he was driving.
The woman who hit the tree was blind drunk.

He couldn’t have clear ideas for he was blind drunk.
I’m blind drunk. I need somebodyto drive for me.
That day, she was not allowed to work because of being that blind drunk.
The bus driver refused picking him up for he was blind drunk.
Do not drink alcohol in excess. You will getblind drunk.
He was so blind drunk he could not remember his name.
He tried to excuse himself replying he was blind drunk.
People get furious easily whenever they are blind drunk.
It was noticeablehe was blind drunk; he spoke too slow and unreasonably.
Friends are never allowed to drive whenever they are blind drunk.
He was so blind that he slipped when he stood up.
Your health runs dangerwhenever you are blind drunk.
It was noticeable I was blind drunk for I smelled of alcohol.
I was blind drunk, that’s why I said yes to Karen.
I was blind drunk. That is why neither of what I saidmade actually sense.
It’s too difficult hiding truth whenever one is blind drunk.
You cannot take good decisions whenever you are blind drunk.
Whenever people are blind drunk, they are notrespected.
I was so blind drunk that I could not remember any events next day.
Bone dry

I must have a drink. I'm bone dry.
I hang the sheets and I found them bone dry after half an hour in the sun.
Ineed this suitcase bone dry for the weekend.
The Argentine North-western climate is bone dry.
Make sure that the piece of paper is bone dry. Otherwise you will find great difficulties spelling on.Due to the extreme weather, the river in Austria got bone dry.
If cigarettes are not bone dry, you will find difficult turning them on.
Keep on mind that the guitar must be kept bone dry, or the...
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