The 3 Pig

Páginas: 2 (349 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2012
The 3 pigs
At the heart of the forest there lived three little pigs who were brothers.
The pigs: (_hi my name is troy pig _i’m edgar pig _ I am alexis pig.)

The wolf was always chasingand eating them.
Jesús: (Were are the pigs??)
To escape the wolf, the pigs decided to build a house.
Little was made of straw, to finish first and go out to play.
Edgar: (Like I want ago to play, I’ll build my house very fast!)
     The medium built a wooden house. Seeing that his younger brother had finished, he hurried to play with him.
Troy: ( oh no, my brother isplaying and I’m build my house! Better and finish fast to play with him!)

The greatest work in his brick house.
Alexis: (I’m smarter than they!) (I’ll build my house with bricks becauseis very safe!)
- You'll see what the wolf in your houses, scolded his brothers while they were having a great.

     The wolf came behind the little pig and he ran to his house of straw, butthe wolf huffed and puffed and the house of straw collapsed.
Jesús: ( I’ll eat you)
Edgar: (oh no! my house! I’ll run to my brother’s house)
     The wolf chased the pig through the forest,ran to the house of his middle brother. But the wolf blew and blew and knocked the wooden house. The two little pigs were hell out of there.
Jesús: ( I’ll eat you little pigs)
Cesar: (movebrother run to the our brother house)
     Almost breathless, with the wolf at his heels, came to the Big Brother house.
Jesús: ( out pigs)
Alexis: (come, come fast, fast!!!)
     Inthis moment the greatest call to his fried the hunter!
Alexis: (frien help me!!!!)
Bartolomé:(wait me a second! I’ll go to help you)
Bartolomé: (I will kill you wolf!)
Jesús : ( I’mwaiting for you)
The wolf run so fast but the hunter was so fasted than the wolf. He shoot to the wolf and kill him!!!

The pigs do a party to celebrate that the wolf was die!!!!
The end
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