The Fictional Biography About Lennie Small From “Of Mice And Men”

Páginas: 2 (487 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012


By Yuuki Benavides

Lennie Small was born in a little town in the United States of America.

He belonged to apoor family. His parents were employers of a little farm. On the day of Lennie’s birth, her mother had complications and lamentably she died. Lennie survived but he had mental problems. His fatherreally loved his mother, so he decided to leave Lennie because he was the cause of his mother’s death.

The only family that Lennie had was an aunt called Clara; she was kind and patient, and she tookcare of him until her death. She taught him how to talk, to work on the farm, and to be a good person who could differentiate between the good things and the bad things.

When Lennie was little, hedidn’t have friends because of his mental situation. He tried to play with the other children but each time that he tried, the kids went away from him just because he was different from everybody.He loved to touch soft things; Aunt Clara gave him plenty of mice to pet. This was the favorite activity of Lennie.

When he was young, he was a shy, huge, strong, nice and good man.

Aunt Clarahad a friend called George; he was a man in the range of Lennie’s age. George was a small, wiry, quick-witted man. He used to play jokes on Lennie all of the time, but Lennie never got angry forthat. For that reason, George started to become closer to Lennie, and he stopped to make that kind of jokes on him.

Before Aunt Clara died, she made George promise that he would take care of Lennie.The relationship between them was stronger. George was devoted to Lennie. 

They started to work in a farm. They worked there for a while until Lennie got in trouble with a girl, but Lennie didn’tmean it. After that, George and Lennie went away from there, and they got another job in another farm.

Lennie worked there following the George’s advice. They had a plan to buy their own proper land...
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