The Heart

Páginas: 2 (332 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2012
The heart's pumping action is important because blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body.
The white part (including chambers 1 and 2) should be colored purple. 
The shadedpart (including chambers 3 and 4) should be colored red.
1: Right atrium—takes in oxygen-poor blood. 
2: Right ventricle—pumps blood to the lungs. 
3: Left atrium—takes in oxygen-rich blood from thelungs. 
4: Left ventricle—pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body. 
Descriptions: 1, 3, 4, 2
Spanish Answers:
La parte blanca (inclusive las cavidades 1 y 2) se debe colorear de morado. 
La partesombreada (inclusive las cavidades 3 y 4) se debe colorear de rojo. 
1: Aurícula derecha: recibe sangre con poco oxígeno del cuerpo. 
2: Ventrículo derecho: bombea sangre hacia los pulmones. 3: Aurícula izquierda: recibe sangre rica en oxígeno desde los pulmones. 
4: Ventrículo izquierdo: bombea sangre rica en oxígeno hacia el cuerpo. 
Preguntas: 1, 3, 4, 2

Ilhem Koumyem 4
4thGrade Test
Name: ___________________________ Score: __________
1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box:
joints function cartilage protection
opposablethumb motion skeleton
™ The entire bone system is called: ________________________.
™ Bones are connected together through : _________________________.
™ ____________________ prevents bones fromrubbing against each other.
™ Round bones usually provide ___________________ to the organs.
™ Bones start out as ___________________, then they harden with age.
™ The shape of a bone often tells youits _________________________.
™ Long bones usually facilitate ___________________ and reaching out.
™ A special feature that allows humans and few animals to easily
manipulate objects with theirhands: ____________________________.
2. True or False:
™ Bones have a layer of fat between them to prevent friction: ___________
™ Joints allow movement in the body. _____________.
™ Human beings...
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