The Keyboard

Páginas: 2 (368 palabras) Publicado: 24 de abril de 2012
THE (de kibord)KEYBOARD
* It is the primary way you enter information into your computer. You can type letters, enter numbers or send other instructions.
* (it is de praimary uei iu enterinformeishon intu iur compiuder. Iu can taip leders, enter nombers or send oder instrocshons)
* A Keyboard is divided into three parts: ( a kibord is divaidid intu thri parts)
ALPHANUMERIC: It isdivided into five rows: numeric, top alphabetical, middle alphabetical, bottom alphabetical and functional (Spacebar, CTRL, ALT, etc) (alfanumeric: it is divaidid intu faiv rows: numeric,topalfabetical, midol alfabetical, borom alfabetical and funshonal(speisbar, control, alt, etcidera))
NUMERIC: it is placed separately in the right. (numeric: it is pleis separeitlyin de right)
FUNCTIONAL:There are special keys, example: PrintScreen, Pause, Delete, Esc (Escape) and F1, F2, F3, F12. Some multimedial keys like Volum, Play, Stop, (Funshonal: der ar speshal kis, exampol: printscrin,paus,dilit, squeip, an ef uan, tu, three, tuelf etcidera. Som multimedial kis laik volium, play, stop)
* We can find many different keyboards. (ui can fain meni diferent kibords)
* For example:(for exampol)
LOGITECH K800 BLACK KEYBOARD (loyitechkey eith jondred black kibord)
* Brand: Logitech (its brand is loyitech)
* Description: (descripshon)
General Features: Illuminated(yeneral fiuturs: it is iluminared)
Color: Black (its color is blac)
Price: $64.95 (prais: sixtyfor dollars naity faif cents)
(stailsh ultraslim multimidia)
*Brand: Genius (the brand of this kibord is yinius)
* Description: (decripshon)
Ultra-slim multimedia keyboard (ultraslim multimidia kibord as its neim sais)
Hot keys for Windows Vista, Internet,office and multimedia (jot kis for uindous vista, internet, ofis and multimidia…. Among others)
* Price: $50 (prais fifty dolars). Jiar iu can sii som ditels of dis kiboard. (y señalas las...
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