
Páginas: 3 (648 palabras) Publicado: 26 de abril de 2014
England beats US in health stakes

Middle-aged English people are much healthier than their American counter parts, even though the US spends far more on medical care than the UK, according to alarge international study published today in the Journal of the american medical association
Americans have significantly higher ratrs of diabetes and cancer than English people in the 55 to 64 agegroup.
Sir Michael marmot, professor of epidemiology at university college London, who led the British arm of the study, said the findings would surprise international health policy experts. His UScolleague James Smith of the rand corporation in California added: You dont expect the health of middle-aged people in these two countries to be too different, but we found than the English are a lothealthier than the Americans.
Samples in both countries were limited to whites and excluded recent immigrants so as to control for racial and ethnic factors.
This study challenges the theory thatthe greater heterogeneity of the US population is the major reason the US is behind other industrialised national state health service was not superior to the private US system it provided importantpsychological reassurance. Director at the US National Institute on Ageing which co-funded the research.

Inglaterra gana en EE.UU. está en juego la salud

Personasde mediana edad Ingleses son mucho más saludables que sus homólogos estadounidenses, a pesar de que los EE.UU. gastan más en atención médica que el Reino Unido, según un amplio estudiointernacional publicado en la Revista de la Asociación Médica Americana
Los estadounidenses tienen tasas significativamente más altas de diabetes y de cáncer que las personas Ingleses en el grupo de edad de 55a 64.
El señor Michael Marmot, profesor de epidemiología de la Universidad de Londres, quien dirigió la rama británica del estudio, dijo que los resultados sorprenderían a expertos internacionales...
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