
Páginas: 3 (706 palabras) Publicado: 12 de agosto de 2012
Religious Rituals
When first ritual functions were written in books, the Sacramentary in the West, the Euchologion in the East contained all the priest's (and bishop's) part of whatever functionsthey performed, not only the holy Liturgy in the strict sense, but all other sacraments, blessings, sacramentals, and rites of every kind as well.
These are some rituals of the ancient rome:
1. TheHoly Sacraments
1. Holy Sacraments - Introduction
2. Holy Sacraments - General Rules
2. The Sacrament of Baptism
3. Holy Baptism - Introduction
4. Holy Baptism -General Rules
5. Rite for baptism of children
6. Baptism of adults - Introduction
7. Baptism of adults - General Rules
8. Norms for new rite for baptism of adults
9. Ritefor baptism of adults
10. Rite for supplying of ceremonies omitted in baptism
11. Rite for baptism administered by a bishop
12. Blessing of baptismal water
3. The Sacramentof Confirmation
13. Confirmation - Introduction
14. Confirmation - General Rules
15. Rite for confirmation apart from danger of death
16. Rite for confirmation in danger ofdeath
4. Holy Eucharist
17. Holy Eucharist - Introduction
18. Holy Eucharist - General Rules
19. Rite for holy communion outside of Mass
20. Communion during Eastertime21. Communion for the sick, general rules
22. Rite for communion for the sick
23. Rules for celebrating Mass more than once the same day
24. Mass celebrated by a blindpriest
25. Forty Hours' Adoration
5. Penance
26. Penance - Introduction
27. Penance - General Rules
28. Common form for absolution
29. Rite for absolving fromexcommunication
30. General absolution and papal blessing for religious
31. Rite for absolving from suspension or interdict apart from sacramental confession
6. Anointing of the Sick...
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