Uso de materias grasas recicladas en avicultura

Páginas: 3 (681 palabras) Publicado: 5 de abril de 2010
Efecto de la alimentación con materias grasas recicladas sobre parámetros productivos y el rendimiento a la canal de pollos de carne

Choque-López, J.A.[1], Baucells, M.D., Mateus E.F., Gómez deSegura, A., Barroeta, A.C.

Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Facultat de Veterinària, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 08193 Bellaterra. Barcelona;


Four experiments were designed to study the effect of feeding fat in feed on poultry growth performance. In each experiment, 64 female broilers Ross 308 were randomly distributedinto two dietary treatments with 6 % of recycled fat, differing in level of alteration high (H), and low (L). Alterations studied were Trans fatty acids (TH=10.01 % and TL=0.14 %), dioxin andpolychlorinated biphenyls PCBs (HC=28.8 pg and LC=9.6 pg TEQ/g PCDD/Fs+DL-PCBs of oil), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs (HP=5.291 μg and LP< 2 μg/g of oil) or oxidation products (HO=67.43 and LO=2.74p-anisidine). The experiment lasted until day 47 of age and growth performance average daily feed intake (ADI), average daily gain (ADG), feed efficiency (FE), final body weight (FBW), carcass yield(CY %) and abdominal fat (AF %) were recorded. Only in the experiment using Trans fatty acids, LT animals presented a statistically higher ADG (P = 0.005), FBW (P = 0.004) and also a higher amount of AF(P = 0.056) compared to HT. In addition HT animals showed a higher FE (P = 0.004) throughout the experimental period. Within the dioxins and PCBs trial, HC animals showed a statistically higher CY (P= 0.002) compared to LC animals.

(Keywords: Dioxins and PCBs, Oxidation, PAHs, poultry performance, Trans fatty acids)


El principal interés de incorporar materias grasas en laalimentación animal viene determinado por ser una fuente concentrada de energía a precio competitivo. Además, las materias grasas son una fuente de ácidos grasos esenciales y ayudan a la absorción de...
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