Sjögren´S Syndrome

Páginas: 3 (706 palabras) Publicado: 3 de diciembre de 2012
What is it?
Sjogren’s syndrome is a disorder in which the
glands which produce tears, saliva and sweat
are attacked by the immune system (a system
of cells which normallyprotects us from
infection). The result is abnormal dryness of
the mouth, eyes and/or other mucous
membranes. In some people this can be mild,
in others it can be more troublesome with thedevelopment of rashes, arthritis and possible
lung and kidney involvement.
Why does it occur?
The cause of Sjogren’s syndrome is unknown.
It can occur alone (primary Sjogren’s) or can
be associated withother conditions
(secondary Sjogren’s) such as rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and
other so called connective tissue diseases.
Who does it affect?
Sjogren’s syndrome mostcommonly develops
in women, between the ages of 40 and 50
years, but can occur in men and women at any
Usually the outlook for people with Sjogren’s
syndrome is very positive. Althoughthere is no
cure, proper treatment should provide comfort
and relief.
The symptoms
Symptoms may include any of the following:
• Dry eyes/mouth/nose
• Swelling and pain in the joints


Dry cough
Oral yeast infections
Little or no tears
Difficulty chewing or swallowing food.

Diagnosis will usually involve a physical
examination and medical history andmay
include further tests such as a chest X-ray,
and other laboratory tests. These tests can
help to rule out other causes of the
The main test to help diagnose Sjogren’s
Syndrome iscalled a Shirmer’s test. This test
involves using a strip of blotting paper to
measure the amount of tear formation. Blood
tests and a biopsy of the lip can also help to
confirm a diagnosis ofSjogrens.
Management depends on the parts of the
body affected and may include:
• Medications
• Artificial tears and lubricating ointments for
the eyes
• Artificial saliva, mouth...
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  • Síndrome de sjögren
  • Sindrome de sjögren

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