Abre Tu Mente

Páginas: 4 (892 palabras) Publicado: 13 de noviembre de 2012
“Environmental disasters over time”

Teacher: Fernanda Zurita
By: Britcel Guadalupe
Class: History
Group: 2b love u
Date: 18/06/12


*environmental disaster over time is thatall over the time had happens a lot of bad things and that makes the world been bad , we destroyed and I refer we cause if we care a little bit more of our world maybe things like that can be reduced.Before all those kinds of desasters that are happening now we not see it ,it was lest but now we don’t care about anything in our world and this happens more constantly.

* Oneconsiderable difficulty in assessment of vulnerability is the differing methods of classifying human elements in the collecting-reporting process. To be a disaster an event has (at least) to be a'killing event'. The agencies below use from 1 fatality to 10, and "considerable" (subjective) to determine inclusion in the database. A single or several fatality event is rarely reported in media, butconsidered in the annual aggregate, for example fatalities from lightning strikes. How are 'casualties' and 'affected' defined? In one case it is documented from medical reports, be it a minor out-patientinjury, or a serious in-patient injury is unclear. 'Affected' is variously defined as homeless, without essential services, loss of employment, in differing combinations. 'Damages' proportional tothe 'Intensity' of an event (as opposed to measured magnitude) also share a subjective qualitative approach that  differs across agencies. It is none the better with the earth systems hazards behind thedisaster; with no common classification scheme. For example, EMDAT and UNISDR have separate criteria for inclusion in the 'windstorms' and 'hydrometeorological', categories, and in some casesseparate cyclones from other severe weather. In addition, none of the sources indicate clearly how composite disaster events are reported.process. To be a disaster an event has (at least) to be a 'killing...
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