Adh nino hiperactividad en los ninos

Páginas: 6 (1251 palabras) Publicado: 22 de julio de 2010
ADHD and Learning a Second Language
Have you ever heard of the child who cannot “stay put” in class because he is constantly talking, squirming and jumping around? One may think that these kids are just lacking discipline and others may blame the teacher, saying the whole situation has just slipped out ofher(his) hands. But have you really wondered what this behavioral disorder is all about and why these kids display it? Will this behavior affect their academic performance? Can these kids learn a second language in the same manner other kids do? How can teachers help and make learning a second language a lot easier for these kids? Throughout this essay, which will mainly deal with small children,you will find the answers to all of these questions.
First of all, what is this behavioral disorder called? It is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It's estimated that ADHD may affect up to one in every 20 school-age children. ADHD is at least four times more common in boys than girls. Children are usually diagnosed around the age of 7, but symptoms continue into adolescenceand adulthood. What are the most common symptoms? You can divide ADHD symptoms into 3 main categories: Inattention, Hyperactive and Impulsive. The first one includes making careless mistakes in schoolwork, not listening or following instructions properly, not finishing things due to easy distraction and losing and forgetting things. The second one includes fidgeting, running or climbing when andwhere they shouldn’t, unable to stay sitting down and talking constantly. And the third one includes interrupting others, being unable to wait for their turn and answering questions before they have been fully asked. Other very common symptoms may include: aggressiveness and poor discipline, irritability, reckless behavior and emotional immaturity.
What are the causes of ADHD? The exact causeis still unknown, but there are likely to be a number of factors involved. The following are the most common: the child has a family history with ADHD, the child had a low birth weight and the child was exposed to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs(such as cocaine) in the womb.
Now, you may begin to think that kids with ADHD will automatically have poor academic performance and will struggle greatlyto acquire a second language. But in reality this condition can be to a certain point controlled and these kids can have good academic performance and acquire a second language. What can teachers do? Before all, going more towards the child’s emotional side, the teacher must show the child that she is there to support and help him not putdown or just punish. The teacher must always praise thechild for his work and effort.
Some very good attitudes the teacher can have would be clarity in giving directions, warmth, loving, humor, patience and flexibility. Sometimes, all these kids need is a little bit of love and attention and will feel drawn to love you back and more often follow instructions. The teacher cannot expect immediate response from this child. She must always keep in mind thatthe child lacks social maturity and will not react to certain situations in the same manner his other classmates do. Also, the child is going to work at his own pace, be it quicker or slower than the rest of the class.
In addition, the teacher must add in movement throughout the class. For example in kindergarten, first and second grade she can get the English class stretching, jogging inplace and singing songs accompanied by hand and whole body motions. Some good examples would be to play “Simon Says” to learn different commands in English, sing “Old McDonald Had A Farm” to learn all of the farm animals, walk around the classroom and point to different colored objects to learn all the colors and also sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” to learn all the body parts. The teacher...
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