Análisis De What Google Would Do?

Páginas: 8 (1756 palabras) Publicado: 6 de abril de 2012

International Business Design

Submitted by: Daniela Lopez
ID: 11102235

Administration Science Faculty
Fall semester 2011


We live in a world that moves fast, where globalization is taking over. To be ableto keep up to date with the changes, we need to move fast and think ahead. We have to re-invent the old ways of doing things, think out of the box, take many factors into consideration, and be able to identify the major challenges in the international business environment (culture, languages, way of doing business between others).

Countries and their markets are becoming more and moreinterconnected. It is fair to say that most countries are adopting a single economic model. Boarders are falling, and the world is becoming platter, but due to the integration challenges are growing. Globalization is driving companies to become global

What is really a global company? A global company serves a market or many markets around the world. They have to learn to integrate strategies. A globalcompany is that, that sells to the world and is able to adapt to the different scenarios while keeping the essence of the company.

Global companies are not necessarily large; they can start small and grow through time. Technologies, new tools and platforms allow us to communicated in a faster and easier way. The Internet has opened windows and everything has become more accessible. Havingthis type of tools on hand had made it easy to have access to a global market. This to say, that anybody with good idea clear objectives can build a global company by using Internet.

Question 1

Which Google Rules appear to you as most and least pertinent and insightful in your business design process? Explain, illustrate and justify your choices.

I am currently working on theProject about water solutions. We started with the idea of water desalination; through the research process we evolved into the idea that there is so many other opportunities out there related to the water matter. We slowly move away from our starting point and expanded our horizon. We have become open-minded and are considering all of the options. Doing research allow us to understand the watersubject in a better way. Reading this book allow me and even pushed me to think out of the box and to consider and realize what is out there and the importance of the tools we use in daily basis.

While reading the book I found some rules that I thought were more relevant to the project I am working on than others. I am not saying that the other rules aren’t good; I actually enjoyed a lot readingthe book and found it very interesting. I believe, that most of these rules are interconnected to each other, and the form cycle, that if well managed can make an organization successful.

Rules that I would apply.

First, I will start by opening a blog before opening the actually company. I would blog about water relater subjects, so in that way, I will be able to see the public opinion and actbefore hand. I will link my blog to others blogs that are already talking about water. I will give everything that I publish a permanent address so that it could be easily traced. Remember, “If you are not searchable, you wont be found”.

I will become part of networks related to the water issue as IDA, the international water organization, water and wastewater equipment manufacturesassociation between others. This will allow me to see what the industry is actually talking about and will keep me up to date with the new challenges and technologies available. To get the Google juice, I would start a “no name” marketing campaign to get the public attention and have them waiting for what is about to come. I would advertise on websites that talk about environmental issues, water...
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