
Páginas: 2 (298 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2011
hdfc ewjfewkfkewbkf fkewfikwefewrif fwe fjefef jhfef ejfhe fjefe fejhf efjeff ejfefbfewfe f fejfefe fjehfje
1.3. Goals
• To maintain sustainable growth at all levels of our operations.• To give the highest quality of service possible to our clientele.
• To involve our local community in our programs.
• To conserve and protect the environment and all that liveswithin.
• To be one of the best companies in our sector and to continue growing.
1.4. Usage
This submarine is made in order to cover research, mapping and ecological companies’ necessities.Underwater fauna and flora research companies will use the submarine to capture images and to gather information.
Captured images by the submarine can also be used by marine mappingcompanies.
The submarine can also be used to gather information for oceanographic and marine facilities to know in which conditions have to live their animals.
Additionally the submarine canmeasure the salinity of the water from a salinometer, which would be pretty useful to water purification companies and to establish the habitat where animals will live.
Actualmente, somosla única empresa que utiliza submarinos de investigación(no tripulados) en España. En España, únicamente se dispone de algunos submarinos de investigación de alquiler a empresasextranjeras y hay una única empresa (gallega) llamada Subibor, que se dedica a los submarinos de alquiler destinados al turismo, por lo tanto, nuestra empresa tiene el monopolio del mercado desubmarinos de investigación. Cduihchkhdilcfh fjdchjfwej djhdjewfdf hddjfhewof fjwhfewfhfef fwehfuef wfewhf fdwfwe fwj vj efgeiwkf fekfewjf w lfhñfñefy dfkewfh dejfh fefhedfen fdheje djejedfedfe dfkeq kc b b kqc dqkk kd e ewkf s s d f ef e fe f f ef e f e f e f efe f effrfrfr f rfrfr frf rfr frf rf rf rfr frfr frfrff r frfrfrfrfrf rfrfrfrfrfrfrfr frfrfrfr frfrfrfrfrfr
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